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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Wuhan
If registered less then 5 (currently 0), the event will be canceled.
Intro 介绍
Why Wuhan?
Why solution owners (companies and teams) should be interested in presented in Wuhan?
Wuhan is in the center of China. Half way on high way Beijing-GuangZhou, and high speed (350km/h) railway. With population of 10 000 000, it has 2 000 000 students.
Accenture, EDS, Intel, IBM, Oracle, SAP ... are already present in the city.
武汉同学们,然我们组织DemoCamp吧!如果你会介绍你用Eclipse作的东西,或者你知道好的Eclipse工具就能为讲师。 伟保罗能帮助一点儿找外国的朋友能演示,怎么组织,什么东西要考虑等等。看一下北京的例子:Beijing DemoCamp
Location 场地
Funshion Online is sponsoring venue. 武汉风行在线赞助场地。
武汉市东湖新技术开发区光谷大道金融港A3栋9楼 武汉风行在线技术有限公司
Date and Time 时间
<add your date and time here>
如果用北京DemoCamp一样的时间(6月29号 周六 2点到6点),可能可以成功一起看北京的广播.
Sponsors 赞助
This Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by
<add the sponsor logos here>
If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact <add organizer email address here>.
Organizer 组织者
<add organizer name and email address here>
Agenda 议程
<add your agenda here>
If you would like to present at this event, please add your name below.
Who Is Attending | 谁参加?怎么注册?
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. If you have any trouble with the wiki, just send an email to <add the organizer name and email address here>.
有兴趣的话,在这里加你的名字,公司。(需要在 注册,登陆)
- 王先生,贵公司
For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Weibo, Weixin etc.
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoCamp in Wuhan, please use the tags #eclipse and #democampwuhan in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event! | 请用#eclipse#和#democampwuhan#标签微博一下。
Eclipse中国QQ群 321486747