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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Walldorf

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Thanks for a great DemoCamp !!


And here is the Picture Gallery.


Building WDF05,

Room S3

Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 20

69190 Walldorf Germany

How to find Walldorf and building WDF05

Note: Building WDF05 is also known as ISZ (Internationales Schulungszentrum).


All parking garages will be available this day for external attendees. The gates open automatically.

Date and Time

June 26,  2013, 17:00 - app. 20:30 (+ Happy Hour)


This Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by



Jutta Bindewald, SAP AG

Final Agenda Kepler Demo Camp (demos will be 15 min)

Time Demotitle Presenter
17.05- 17:15 Introduction Harald Müller - SAP AG
17:15 - 17:30 M2M Mike Milinkovich - Eclipse Foundation
17:35 - 17:50 Orion in SAP HANA Cloud Michael Ochmann - SAP AG
17:55 - 18:10 openHAB - Die Welt der Dinge in der Hand Thomas Eichstädt-Engelen, innoQ
18:15 - 18:30 Down the rabbit hole with Code Completion Marcel Bruch - Codetrails
18:30 - 19:00 Break
19:00 - 19:15 Stardust - a full blown BPM Platform under EPL(Workflow, Document Processing, System Integration) Simone Seurer ,. Robert Sauer , Herbert Neureiter,. Marc Gille - SunGard
19:20 - 19:35 OData Modeling in Eclipse Thomas Meigen - SAP AG
19:40 - 19:55 Contracts for Java in Eclipse (C4J) Hagen Buchwald, Florian Meyerer - Verein der Karlsruher Software-Ingenieure (VKSI)
20:00 - 20:10 Eclipse Long Term Support Jutta Bindewald - SAP AG
20:10 - 20:25 Schlussbemerkungen Ralph Müller - Eclipse Foundation
20:30 Happy Hour

The event language will be German!

There will be a Happy Hour after the event. It will take place in or around the same building. No registration is required. Just stay for food, drinks and fun.

Who Is Attending

For non SAP employees:  Please use to register and view the list of registered participants. Registration is free. Drinks and snacks during the event are sponsored by SAP AG.

For SAP employees: Please use this internal subscription list.  This is a local event for Walldorf. There will be no remote access from other locations.

For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, Flickr, etc.

In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoCamp in Walldorf, please use the tag "#democampwalldorf" in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event!

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