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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Hanover
Zühlke Engineering GmbH
Pelikanplatz 35
30177 Hannover
Date and Time
June, 18th, 18:00 - 22:00
Peter Friese, Zühlke Engineering
Alexandra Schladebeck, BREDEX GmbH
Zühlke Engineering sponsors the location.
If you would like to be a sponsor of this event, please contact Peter Friese (
18.00 - 18.10 Meet & Greet, Introduction
18.10 - 18.30 Tasktop, Puppenspiel mit Git, Gerrit, Hudson, Jenkins, Trac und Bugzilla
18.35 - 18.55 Axel Terfloth, Itemis, Yakindu HMI. Slides
19.00 - 19.20 Look at what Jubula can do now. Slides
19.25 - 19.55 Break
19.55 - 20.15 Kai Tödter: JavaFX + Eclipse 4 App Platform: In love, engaged, married?
20.20 - 20.40 Pascal Alich, Zühlke, SWT and Swing - Friends or Foes? Integrating Eclipse RCP (SWT) with Swing. Slides
20.45 - 21.05 Holger Schill, itemis, Active Annotations. Slides
21.10 - 21.30 Codetrails - Code Recommenders. Slides
21.30 - 22.00 Beer and snacks
If you would like to present at this event, please add your name below.
- Axel Terfloth, Itemis, Yakindu HMI
- BREDEX GmbH, Look at what Jubula can do now
- Tasktop, Puppenspiel mit Git, Gerrit, Hudson, Jenkins, Trac und Bugzilla
- Kai Tödter, Siemens Corporate Technology, JavaFX + Eclipse 4 App Platform: In love, engaged, married?
- Holger Schill, itemis, Active Annotations
- Pascal Alich, Zühlke, SWT and Swing - Friends or Foes? Integrating Eclipse RCP (SWT) with Swing
- Marcel Bruch, Codetrails - Down the Rabbit Hole with Code Recommenders - Slides
Who Is Attending
To register for the event, please use the Eventbrite page. Registration is free!