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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Frankfurt am Main
Untermainanlage 8
Konferenzraum 2. Stock
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Date and Time
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Start: 18:00
- 18:00 Welcome
- 18:15 Vortrag - Hello from Ralph Müller (Eclipse Foundation), Mike Milinkovich (Eclipse Foundation): Eclipse M2M
- 18:40 Demo 1 - Hagen Buchwald, Florian Meyerer: Contracts for Java (C4J) in Eclipse
- 19:00 Pause
- 19:15 Demo 2 - Christian Campo : Riena : How we support multiple platforms (RCP 3.x, e4, RAP, JavaFX)
- 19:40 Demo 3 - Kai Tödter: JavaFX + Eclipse 4 App Platform: In love, engaged, married?
- 20:00 Pause
- 20:15 Demo 4 - Olivier Constant: Merging models with EMF Diff/Merge
- 20:40 Demo 5 - Johannes Dorn: Down the rabbit hole with Code Recommenders - and into the cloud
- 21:00 Closing
- 21:30 Get-together im Main Nizza
- Claudia Fröhling, Eclipse Magazin
- Diana Kupfer, Eclipse Magazin
- Sven Lange, itemis AG
- Manuela Duft, compeople AG
- Christian Campo, compeople AG
itemis AG, Eclipse strategic member and the leading company for model-driven software development
compeople AG, Eclipse Solution Member and a leading IT-service provider, supplying innovative sales and distribution systems
Eclipse Magazin (Software&Support Media)
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