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Eclipse DemoCamps Juno 2012/Zurich
Engage in the Eclipse community this Summer at the Juno DemoCamp in Zurich. If you are interested in Eclipse Topics, this is the event to attend in Switzerland!
We have invited a list of top speakers to talk about their pet projects. The scheduled talks cover a wide variety of topics. Be prepared to hear the latest news on the Eclipse platform, the Xtext, Scout, RAP, JaCoCo and Code Recommenders projects as well as the new Eclipse 4 technology. In addition, the Zurich democamp includes talks about the use of Eclipse in the banking and the insurance industry.
During the democamp we’ll have a short break with beer and snacks. For dinner (and/or more frosty beverage) after the democamp we’ll move to some nice setting nearby.
Technopark Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich. See map
Date and Time
June 22nd, 2012
- 17:00 - 21:40 (talks)
- 21:40 - 22:30 (informal part)
Times are Zurich local times.
BSI Business Systems Integration AG - Featured Link - Eclipse Scout
EclipseSource - Featured Link - RAP
itemis Schweiz GmbH - Featured Link - Xtext
diligent it solutions ag - Featured Link - Eclipse Community Awards 2012
If you - or your organisation - are interested in sponsoring, please contact the organizer. There are many opportunities :-) Beer, softdrinks, snacks, location, ...
- Matthias Zimmermann, BSI Business Systems Integration AG
- 17:00 - 17:20 Meet and Greet
- 17:20 - 17:40 Welcome/Intro: Ralph Müller (Eclipse Foundation) + Matthias Zimmermann (BSI Business Systems Integration AG) (slides)
- 17:40 - 18:00 What's New in Juno (Platform, JDT and PDE): Dani Megert (IBM Rational Zurich Research Lab) (slides)
- 18:00 - 18:20 Code Coverage 2.0 - EclEmma on JaCoCo: Marc Hoffmann (slides)
- 18:20 - 18:40 Xtend 2.3 in Juno: Dietmar Stoll (itemis Schweiz GmbH) (slides)
- 18:40 - 19:00 Build, Stage, Review, Merge: Task-focused Development the Eclipse Mylyn Way: Steffen Pingel (Tasktop) (no slides)
- 19:00 - 19:40 Break: Beer, soft drinks and snacks
- 19:40 - 20:00 Code Recommenders - Do you still (at all) use code-search? News on code search and multi-object pattern mining in Code Recommenders: Marcel Bruch (TU Darmstadt) (slides)
- 20:00 - 20:20 Eclipse Scout - Multi Platform Strategy: Andreas Hoegger (BSI Business Systems Integration AG) (slides)
- 20:20 - 20:40 Modelbasierte GUI-Transformation nach Eclipse Scout: Gökhan Demirkiyik, Volkert Barr, Peter Nüdling (Raiffeisen Schweiz) (no slides)
- 20:40 - 21:00 Eclipse 4 Rendering: Separation of Application Model and UI Toolkit: Kai Tödter (Siemens Corporate Technology) (no slides)
- 21:00 - 21:20 Model Driven Development with Faktor IPS: Peter Kuntz (Faktor Zehn AG) (slides)
- 21:20 - 21:40 RAP mobile in action: Jochen Krause (EclipseSource) (no slides)
- 21:40 - 22:xx Transfer: Moving to new setting
- 22:xx - 23:30 Networking: More beverages and food at les-halles
- Most/all? talks will be held IN GERMAN
- All times are Zurich local times.
Pre - Democamp Option
- 15:00 - 17:00 Eclipse Scout Tutorial: Matthias Zimmermann (BSI Business Systems Integration AG)
Who Is Attending
Participation is free, but seating is limited to 100 participants. If you'd like to attend, please sign up early.
If you plan to participate please register on our doodle and indicate the options you're interested to participate in:
- 17:00 - 21:40 - Democamp
- 22:00 - Late - Beer, Food, Networking (optional add-on)
- 15:00 - 17:00 - Eclipse Scout Tutorial (optional add-on)