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Eclipse DemoCamps Juno 2012/Nuremberg

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Würzburger Straße 150

90766 Fürth

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Date and Time

June 6th 6:00pm


This Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by AVL DiTEST.


If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact Tom Seidel.



  • 18:00 - 18:20 Meet and Greet
  • 18:20 - 18:40 Welcome/Intro: Ralph Müller (Eclipse Foundation) + Tobias Hoppenthaler (AVL DiTEST)
  • 18:40 - 21:00 Talks including break with drinks and snacks
  • 21:00 - 21:xx Transfer: Moving to new setting: Mephisto Cocktail Bar Gustavstr. 15, 90762 Fürth, U1 HS Rathaus
  • 22:xx - Networking


If you would like to present at this event, please add your name below.

  1. Robert Krul - Xtext für den Automotive After Market – Aufgrund der Vielfalt von Steuergeräten in modernen Kraftfahrzeugen sind Diagnosegeräte auf eine große Datenmenge angewiesen. Diese Demo zeigt unser Autorensystem, aufgebaut auf einer DSL mit Xtext Tooling. Es generiert Java Code durch Xpand/Xtend, der in eine OSGi Laufzeitumgebung geladen wird.
  2. Manuel Bork, Yatta Solutions - Eclipse modeling and programming with UML Lab
  3. Maximilian Kögel, EclipseSource Versioning and collaboration for EMF-based models and data
  4. Marc Teufel, hama GmbH & Co KG - Building Eclipse 4 Applications with Maven Tycho
  5. Tom Seidel, Integrating the Eclipse Marketplace Client in your own Eclipse products


  1. Eclipse modeling and programming with UML Lab
  2. Versioning and collaboration for EMF-based models and data
  3. Building Eclipse 4 Applications with Maven Tycho
  4. Integrating the Eclipse Marketplace Client in your own Eclipse products

Who Is Attending

If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. If you have any trouble with the wiki, just send an email to Tom Seidel.

  1. Tobias Hoppenthaler AVL DiTEST
  2. Robert Krul, AVL DiTEST
  3. Wladimir Beylin, develop group
  4. Tom Seidel, Independent
  5. Vasileia Chatzioannou AVL DiTEST
  6. Florian Thienel, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
  7. Ralph Müller, Eclipse Foundation
  8. Manuel Bork, Yatta Solutions
  9. José A. García, Prion GmbH
  10. Maximilian Kögel, EclipseSource
  11. Jasmine Vyas, Dolby Germany GmbH
  12. Marc Teufel, hama GmbH & Co KG
  13. Matthias Striegl, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
  14. Matthias Wetzka, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
  15. Martin Schwehla, Independent
  16. Heinrich Müller, AVL DiTEST
  17. Matthias Burger, Keynote SIGOS GmbH
  18. Ilyas Keser, MID GmbH
  19. Christian Dietrich, itemis
  20. Helmut Eghvay Esteban, AVL DiTEST
  21. Gibson Chimukoko, Independent
  22. Martin Klinke, Xavo AG
  23. Jens Kutzsche, Independent

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