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Eclipse DemoCamps Juno 2012/Hamburg
HHLA, Bei St. Annen 1, 20457 Hamburg (Speicherstadt)
Date and Time
June 14, 2012 18:00 - 23:00
Peter Friese, Zühlke Engineering
Martin Lippert, SpringSource - a division of VMware
Following the principles of openness and transparency, we (Martin and Peter) decided to do the sponsoring for the next Eclipse Demo Camp in Hamburg slightly different.
This time sponsoring for the demo camp is totally open and transparent to everybody. We would like to invite everybody to participate in this sponsoring. The only thing you need to do in order to participate in this sponsoring is to add yourself (you as a person or the company that is sponsoring) to this section of the wiki page. Please add your name or company and the amount of money you would like to sponsor.
This is totally open. Everybody is invited to join the group of sponsors. Companies as well as individuals are invited to participate in this. And you decide for yourself on the total amount of money you would like to spend. The more money we get from YOU all, the more we can spend at the event for drinks and food. So please start today, convince your boss or spend your own money, and add you to the sponsoring list for the next Demo Camp in Hamburg.
The event will continue to be free for all participants (as it was in the past) and you don't need to sponsor just to participate.
One additional note: We will donate 20% of the sponsored food/drinks to an organisation that supports homeless people in Hamburg. So 20% of the ordered drinks/food will not be delivered to our demo camp, but directly to that organization at the same time. We did that once in the past when we ordered more stuff that we could eat and we thought we should do this again, but this time by purpose.
- Zühlke Engineering - 500 EUR
- itemis AG - 500 EUR
- SpringSource/VMware, Inc. - 500 EUR
- BundleMaker Development Team - 50 EUR
- 18.00: Get together
- 18.30: Opening/Welcome
- 18.40 - 19.00: Eclipse Code Recommenders (Marcel Bruch)
- 19:05 - 19:25: BundleMaker - analyze and restructure your application (Gerd Wütherich, Nils Hartmann)
- 19:30 - 19.50: JaMoPP - a Open-Source-Tool for Analyzing and Modernizing Software (Jendrik Johannes)
- 20:20 - 20:40: Release engineering with Tycho and P2 (Matthias Köster)
- 20:45 - 21:05: GEFGWT: GEF in JavaScript, in the browser, on the iPad (Frank Gerhardt)
- 21:10 - 21:30: Building native mobile clients with RAP (Johannes Eickhold)
- 21:45 - 22:05: Xtend - A Coffeescript for Java (Jan Köhnlein)
- 22:10 - 22:30: Type-safe DSLs, using Xtext/TS, Groovy and other languages (Werner Keil)
- Xtend - A Coffeescript for Java (Jan Köhnlein, itemis)
- Xtend is a statically-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language which is translated directly to comprehensible Java source code. The language is developed at and reuses Java's syntax, terminology and concepts as much as possible, but abandons some dead freight at the same time. Xtend is a very powerful alternative for implementing Java classes and works great with all the existing libraries. Since the language can be seen as a little complementary add-on to Java, it offers many modern language features, reaching from type inference over lambdas and extension methods up to smart string interpolation that make development great fun, again. And of course there is powerful Eclipse IDE integration available.
- In this session I will demonstrate why Xtend is so great for everyday programming. You will get an in-depth impression of the seamless integration with the Eclipse Java IDE and you'll get an impression of the expressiveness and conciseness of Xtend.
- Type-safe DSLs, using Xtext/TS, Groovy and other languages (Werner Keil, Creative Arts & Technologies)
- As a perfect follow-up to Xtend, this session is going to present Xtext/TS, a type system framework for Xtext. Groovy founder Guillaume Laforge built on top of the Java standard proposal for type safe Units of Measurements, JSR-275 with his case study of a Domain-Specific Language for unit manipulations some while ago.
- Based on Unit-API the successor to JSR-275, and its leading Open Source implementation Eclipse UOMo together with Xtext/TS we'll see, how a similar DSL for unit manipulations could be created with Xtext.
- JaMoPP - a Open-Source-Tool for Analyzing and Modernizing Software. (Jendrik Johannes, DevBoost GmbH)
- Java code makes up a large part of most enterprise systems. To keep these systems maintainable, extendable and flexible in the long run, constant checking of the consistency of code and other artefacts is necessary. Coding guidelines need to be followed, anti-patterns need to be avoided and interfaces need to be used correctly.
- JaMoPP addresses theses challenges. JaMoPP automatically converts your Java code base into an EMF model. This model can be processed by a large number of tools based on EMF (e.g. Xtend). Additionally, the model can be linked with any other artefact that is represented as an EMF model. On the base of this integrated model, individual guidlines for your software can be defined. This way, structural problems are recognised instantly and, if required, repaired automatically.
- Release engineering with Tycho and P2 (Matthias Köster, NumberFour AG)
- More and more eclipse projects are starting to use Tycho for building their project. We were early adopters of tycho and are using it successfully for more than a year. We had some problems getting it to work at the beginning, but today we are using it to release our product and publish it as P2 update site. We developed our own maven plugin to create native installers (msi, dmg). I want to share our experiences using Tycho to build and release our eclipse based IDE with you..
- Eclipse Code Recommenders (Marcel Bruch, TU Darmstadt)
- Application frameworks have become an integral part of today's software development - this is hardly surprising given their promised benefits such as reduced costs, higher quality, and shorter time to market. But using an application framework is not free of cost. Before frameworks can be used efficiently, software developers have to learn their correct usage which often results in high initial training costs.
- However, framework usages frequently follow typical patterns that manifest themselves in source code of applications that use these frameworks - and thus can be extracted from code and directly reused to guide novice developers when learning these frameworks. The Eclipse Code Recommenders project facilitates this reuse of collective knowledge by automatically collecting such information from code and brings back this knowledge into the IDE by means of intelligent code completion, extended (usage-driven) javadocs, and many things more.
- This demo introduces you to Eclipse Code Recommenders. It will demonstrate how you can leverage the collective knowledge of your team mates to improve your own productivity with no effort.
- BundleMaker - analyze and restructure your application (Gerd Wütherich, Freelancer and Nils Hartmann, Techniker Krankenkasse)
- BundleMaker is an open-source tool to analyze and modularize existing Java-based applications. With BundleMaker you can analyze and visualize the structure and dependencies of your Java application. Based on your analysis you can define various transformations to restructure your system according to your new modularized target architecture. BundleMaker is able to export the whole restructured system into several output formats such as OSGi binary bundles or projects for the Eclipse PDE development tools.
- Developed as an OSGi/Eclipse-based application itself, BundleMaker is highly customizable to make it a perfect match for a variety of usage scenarios.
- Building native mobile clients with RAP (Ralf Sternberg, EclipseSource)
- RAP, the Rich Ajax Platform is known as a framework for Eclipse-based web applications, that uses HTML and JavaScript to render SWT-based user interfaces. But with its new JSON-based communication protocol, it is not restricted to browser clients anymore. Alternative RAP clients can now be implemented for any network-enabled device that can process JSON and display widgets. At EclipseSource, we're developing RAP clients for iOS and Android that use the native widgets of the device.
- In this talk, I'll explain the new protocol and show some example applications running natively on an iPad and my Andriod phone.
- GEFGWT: GEF in JavaScript, in the browser, on the iPad (Frank Gerhardt GEF is one of the oldest Eclipse projects. When migrating of a good old RCP application to the Web or Mobile, the graphical editors are usually very hard to port or to rewrite. We ported GEF to JavaScript using GWT. That way you can reuse most of the Java code and compile your GEF editors to JavaScript. We also made a few extensions to support touch events on mobile devices. I will give you a demo of GEFGWT and explain how to use it.
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. You need to have an Eclipse Bugzilla account to do so. Signing up is really easy and not only gives you the chance to attend Eclipse DemoCamps, but also gives you the sweet fuzzy feeling of being able to file Eclipse bugs! Come on, give it a try - we know you can do it!
- Peter Friese, Zühlke Engineering
- Martin Lippert, SpringSource - a division of vmware
- Sven Efftinge, itemis
- Jan Köhnlein, itemis
- Werner Keil, Creative Arts & Technologies
- Jan Ortmann, Mondula
- Daniel Dietrich, HSH Nordbank
- Philip Wenig, OpenChrom
- Jendrik Johannes, DevBoost GmbH
- Matthias Köster, NumberFour AG
- Frank Gasdorf, PLATH GmbH
- Oliver Libutzki, itemis
- Markus Alexander Kuppe, ECF
- Oliver Ochs, Holisticon AG
- Christian Hager, tecis Finanzdienstleistungen AG
- Sara Gomez Nosti, PLATH GmbH
- Gabriele Heimann, akquinet engineering gmbh
- Christian Rataj-Weinreben, labelfarm GmbH (
- Maik Teske, Suzlon Energy
- Steffen Dummann, labelfarm GmbH (
- Marcel Bruch, Eclipse Code Recommenders
- Sebastian Zarnekow, itemis
- Andreas Lenz, DV-RATIO Group
- Frank Schlüter, Techniker Krankenkasse
- Jan Koops, Techniker Krankenkasse
- Nils Hartmann, Techniker Krankenkasse
- Christian Hempe, Consist Software Solutions
- Asaf Ikram, itemis
- Erdal Karaca
- Holger Schill, itemis
- Gunnar Morling
- Felix Heppner, PLATH GmbH
- Christoph Kulla, Bosch Car Multimedia
- Frank Gerhardt, Gerhardt Informatics Kft.
- Ingo Meyer
- Gregor Pardon, Sartorius Mechatronics T&H GmbH
- Ralph Müller, Eclipse Foundation
- Oliver Zeigermann
- Roger Gilliar, MCS Moorbek Computer Systeme GmbH
- Pascal Alich, Zühlke Engineering
- Harald Albers, HS - Hamburger Software
- Marcus Tiedemann, PLATH GmbH
- Rabea Gransberger, MEKO-S GmbH
- Andreas Breuer, itemis
- Thomas App, HHLA
- Florian Laabs, HHLA
- Henrik Schmidt
- Sascha Frhr. v. Bodenhausen, MEKO-S GmbH
- Philipp Hülsebusch, Techniker Krankenkasse
- Sönke Rumohr, Techniker Krankenkasse
- André Gode, MACH AG
- Peter Schmidt, comdirect bank AG
- Frank Becker
- Heiko Neuweger, Bruker Daltonics
- Christian Tabeling, Bruker Daltonics
- Alexander Rüegg, Bruker Daltonics
- Alexander Bunkowski, Bruker Daltonics
- Erland Müller, DESY
- Dennis Hübner, Itemis
- Oliver Niekrenz, EliteMedianet GmbH
- Stefan Zeug, b+m Informatik AG
- Gregor Hennings, b+m Informatik AG
- Mathias Bietz, Suzlon Energy GmbH
- Holger Wolf, MEKO-S GmbH
- Holger Wolf, MEKO-S GmbH
- Romwell Vardeleon, Sartorius Mechatronics Philippines Inc.
- Krizell Matel, Sartorius Mechatronics Philippines Inc.
- Mark del Valle, Sartorius Mechatronics Philippines Inc.
- Melody King, Sartorius Mechatronics Philippines Inc.
- Stefan Reichert, Zühlke Engineering
- Hayo Schmidt, Logica
- Josef Frühwirth
- Jing Ge
- Andre Müller
- Tobias Friedrich
- Axel Scheithauer, oose Innovative Informatik GmbH