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Eclipse DemoCamps Indigo 2011/Braunschweig
Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig Room E048
Date and Time
21st June 2011 starting at 17.00
If your company is interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Alexandra Imrie.
16.30 Doors open
17.00 - 17.15 Introduction and welcome
17.15 - 17.40 BROX IT Solutions: Full integration of Solr in SMILA
17.45 - 18.10 Oliver Götz: Functional testing with Jubula
18.15 - 18.40 Eike Stepper: CDO 3D
18.40 - 19.15 Break
19.15 - 19.40 Manuel Bork: Modeling in distributed Teams with UML Lab
19.45 - 20.10 Markus Knauer, EclipseSource: Simplifying open source collaboration with Yoxos
20.15 - 20.40 Christian Kurze: Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering - Anwendung modellgetriebener Software-Entwicklung auf Business Intelligence-Systeme
Who Is Attending
Please register on the Eventbrite site.