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Eclipse DemoCamps Helios 2010/Walldorf
You made it happen again!
The Eclipse DemoCamp 2010 at SAP in Walldorf was another great event, full of content, and offering great networking oportunities during the barbecue.
Many thanks to all who helped to make this happen! Special thanks go to the presenters for the really cool demos!
We will publish the video recordings as soon as they are available on our blogs. And here is the Picture Gallery.
For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, Flickr, etc.
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoCamp in Walldorf, please use the tag "#democampwalldorf" in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures via sites like @eventtrack. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event!
Location and Date
Building WDF05, Room S3
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 20
69190 Walldorf
June 22, 17:00 - 20:30
How to find Walldorf and building WDF05
Note: Building WDF05 is also known as ISZ (Internationales Schulungszentrum). It might be easier to find the right building with these pictures from the event location.
Parking: all parking garages will be available this day for external attendees. The gates open automatically.
There will be a Happy Hour after the event. It will take place in or around the same building. No registration is required. Just stay for food, drinks and fun. And there will also be an offering for soccer fans!
Hint: how to register
You can add yourself to the list of presenters or attendees by modifying the corresponding section of this page. For that you need an Eclipse Bugzilla Account.
The easiest way to get such an account is to click on the "log in" link in the upper right corner of the DemoCamp Wiki page and follow the instructions to create a new Bugzilla account. Or go directly to [1]. Once you have your account (e-mail address + password), you can log in (again: upper right corner). Returning to the DemoCamp page, you will find [edit] links for each section (to the right of the section header) which allow you to add yourself to the respective list.
For SAP employees: Please do not enroll via this public Wiki page. Instead use this SAP-internal link. This is a local event for Walldorf. There will be no remote access from other locations.
Karsten Schmidt, SAP AG
Bernd Kolb, SAP AG
Erwin Tenhumberg, SAP AG
- 17:00 - 17:05 Ralph Mueller, Director Eclipse Foundation EMEA (Eclipse Foundation) - Welcome
- 17:05 - 17:15 Bjoern Goerke, SVP Technology & Innovation Platform Core (SAP AG) - Welcome
- 17:15 - 17:30 ekke (Ekkehard Gentz), Independent Software Architect, Thema: Modeling meets Runtime redView
- 17:30 - 17:45 Jochen Hiller - Developing an Android application
- 17:45 - 18:00 Michael Wenz - Graphiti (Demo Slides)
- 18:00 - 18:15 Jochen Krause / Benjamin Muskalla - e4, the future of Eclipse
- 18:15 - 18:30 Matthias Sohn - EGit (Demo Slides)
- 18:30 - 19:00 Break
- 19:00 - 19:30 Steve Powell - Virgo
- 19:30 - 19:45 Andreas Voigt - Project-Review: Migration of 4th GL applications with Eclipse
- 19:45 - 20:00 Christian Campo - Riena 2.0
- 20:00 - 20:15 Alexej Spas - Documenting Eclipse applications using Single Source approach (Slides)
- 20:15 - 20:30 Jan Sievers - Building eclipse applications with Maven Tycho
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible. However, our venue is limited to a maximum audience of 100 people. Please keep in mind that we might not be able to provide a seat for you, if you enroll beyond that number.
- Beyhan Veliev, EclipseSource
- ekke (Ekkehard Gentz), Independent Software Architect, ekkes-corner
- Jochen Hiller, DeveloperGarden (Deutsche Telekom AG)
- Benjamin Muskalla, EclipseSource
- Jochen Krause, EclipseSource
- Ralph Mueller, Eclipse Foundation
- Nikolai Raitsev, Software Engineer
- Steve Powell, VMware
- Hans-Joachim Brede, BREDEX GmbH
- Andreas Voigt, MicroDoc GmbH
- Susan Iwai, EclipseSource
- Andreas Zilly, Fraunhofer ICT
- Mitko Kolev, InterComponentWare AG
- Boris Stanojevic, InterComponentWare AG
- Dmytro Rud, InterComponentWare AG
- Stefan Ivanov, InterComponentWare AG
- Christian Campo compeople AG
- David Law, ap consult GmbH
- Stefan Röck, CAS Software AG
- Kurt Jaeger, TONBELLER AG
- Michael Kretz, Camelot ITLab GmbH
- Heinz Drews, Cenit AG
- Oliver Köhler, InterComponentWare AG
- Lyuben Atanasov, edoras GmbH & Co. KG
- Martin Krasser, InterComponentWare AG
- Darko Varju, EnBW AG
- Christian Gitte, bridging IT
- Christian Schneider, EnBW AG
- Johannes Wachter, CAS Software AG/Hochschule Mannheim
- Dmitri Bachtin, COM plan + service GmbH
- Jürgen Zimmermann, Hochschule Karlsruhe
- Yulia Koroleva, Hochschule Mannheim
- Alexej Spas, instinctools GmbH
- Elmar Beck, CORISECIO GmbH
- Bruno Quint, CORISECIO GmbH
- Marcus Körner, Mannheim
- Stefan Schreiber, COM plan und service GmbH
- Markus Kopf, arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH
- Johannes Tysiak, arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH
- Achim Demelt, eXXcellent solutions GmbH
Udo Hafermann,Software AG- Michael Scharf, Wind River
- Jordan Dukadinov, EclipseSource
- Norman Meinzer
- Torsten Köster, bridging IT
- Ronald Kleijn, CIBER
Christine MuellerMarkus Knauer, EclipseSource- Borislav Borisov, EC4U Expert Consulting
- Martina Dukadinova, Universität Mannheim
- Jürgen Wiesmaier, compeople AG
- Stefan Bachert, [GWT World], wwwApp UG
- Natalia Ossipova, itemis
- Kurt Ebert, itemis
- Michael Krauter, itemis
- Sascha Vogt, SEEBURGER AG
- Manfred Schwendner, dsb AG
- Johannes Utzig, SEEBURGER AG
- Moritz Weiten, SEEBURGER AG
- Petra Dutz, SDL Langaguage Technologies
- Alexander Neumann, heise Developer
- Ulrich Metzger, InterComponentWare AG
- Daniel Vonier, InterComponentWare AG
- Daniela Werlich, InterComponentWare AG
- Michael Sommer
- Tobias Matt, Mobile Collaboration GmbH
- Enrico Schnepel, BitCtrl Systems
- Mark Mattingley-Scott, IBM Deutschland GmbH
- Dirk Wenke, ontoprise GmbH
- Werner Hihn, ontoprise GmbH
- Yury Shinkarev, InterComponentWare AG
- Holger Pflüger, InterComponentWare AG
Note that our venue is limited to a maximum audience of 100 people. Please keep in mind that we might not be able to provide a seat for you, if you enroll beyond that number.
For SAP employees: Please do not enroll via this public Wiki page. Instead use this SAP-internal link. This is a local event for Walldorf. There will be no remote access from other locations.
Waiting List
- Your name, your e-mail address (if you like), your company
For SAP employees: Please do not enroll via this public Wiki page. Instead use this SAP-internal link. This is a local event for Walldorf. There will be no remote access from other locations.