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Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Utrecht
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De Middenhof, Duetlaan 1-3, 3438 TA NIEUWEGEIN
June 11, 18:30 hrs, untill ???
Yuri Kok, Industrial TSI
If you would like to present at the DemoCamp please submit your proposal to, include all information like: name, topic, length and requirements etc. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo. Demo's may last around 20 minutes, please fit your demo in this time frame. (times and demo outlines will follow shortly) Drinks and a buffet will be supplied :-)
For everyone who would like their preferred Eclipse topic to be presented at the DemoCamp please fill in DemoCamp Survey
- 18:30 - 18:45 Ontvangst
- 18:45 - 19:05 Wim Jongman, New and Noteworthy in Eclipse 3.5 Galileo
- 19:10 - 19:30 Alexander Broekhuis, MDA op basis van de Eclipse tooling
- 19:30 - 20:00 Break & Buffet
- 20:00 - 20:20 Jos Warmer, Eclipse Modeling Project in the open source Mod4j ( project
- 20:25 - 20:45 Marcel Offermans & Dennis Geurts, Equinox & OSGi
- 20:45 - 21:00 Break
- 21:00 - 21:20 Koos de Goede, ontwikkelen van Eclipse plugins met gebruik van MDA
- 21:25 - 21:45 Arnoud Engelfriet, de juridische aspecten van OSS gebruik en ontwikkeling
- 21:45 - 22:30 Afsluiting en netwerkborrel
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please send an email with your name (and company) and others you're bringing to:
We'd like to see as many Eclipse enthusiastics to show up as possible.
- Yuri Kok, Industrial TSI
- Wim Jongman, Industrial TSI
- Marco Kok, Remain Software
- Daan van den Berg, Industrial TSI
- Michiel Kalkman, Atos Origin
- Marcel Offermans, luminis
- Alexander Broekhuis, luminis
- Arnoud Engelfriet, ICT Recht
- Jos Warmer, Ordina
- Dennis Geurts, Luminis
- Rémon Sinnema, EMC/X-Hive
- Minto van der Sluis, MultiMach
- Eelco Meuter, Wageningen University
- Tony Thijs, OMF
- Jeroen de Groot, LLiNK
- Jörgen van de Kroon, LLiNK
- Joris Spekreijse, Omron Europe bv
- Koos de Goede, @-portunity B.V.
- Maarten Meijer, FOLD Systems
- Zeger Hendrikse, IT-ESSENCE B.V.
- Jeroen van Grondelle, Be Informed
- Caspar Derksen, Edmond Research & Development B.V.
- Frank Cornelissen, T310 Software Development (linked-in)
- Arjan Kok, Free IT
- Maarten Laurs, PW Consulting
- Marisol Rosario, PW Consulting
- Gérold Nicolasen, PW Consulting
- Martin Taal,
- Tim Rob, (linked-in)
- Michiel van Wezel, PhD