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Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Munich

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MicroDoc Computersysteme GmbH
Elektrastrasse 6
5th Floor
D-81925 München

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Please call +49 (0)89-551-969-0 if you need assistance.

Date and Time

3.June 2009, 18:00 - 21:00




If you would like to present at the DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.

  1. Ekkehard Gentz, Independent Softwarearchitect ekkes-corner, redView (Riena EMF Dynamic Views for Business Applications)
  2. Marcus Harringer, MicroDoc GmbH [1], Virtual Embedded Devices with OSGi and Flash
  3. Damir Ismailović, Technische Universität München, Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP): Desktop and web applications from a single code base
  4. Stefan Seelmann, Freelancer, UI testing with SWTBot
  5. Kai Tödter, Siemens Corporate Technology, e4 contacts demo: styling RCP apps with css, see my blog
  6. Tim Geisler, webXcerpt Software GmbH, Eclipse as IDE for a Domain Specific Language in a commercial project

Who Is Attending

If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.

  1. Marcus Harringer, MicroDoc GmbH
  2. Ekkehard Gentz, Independent Softwarearchitect ekkes-corner
  3. Damir Ismailović, Research assistant, Technische Universität München
  4. Stefan Seelmann, Freelancer
  5. Kai Tödter, Siemens Corporate Technology
  6. Martin Dilger, PENTASYS AG
  7. Florian Pirchner, Developer, redview
  8. Florian Hawlitzek, Hawlitzek IT-Consulting GmbH
  9. Ljupka Doncevska, MicroDoc GmbH
  10. Tim Geisler, webXcerpt Software GmbH
  11. Christine Koppelt
  12. Heribert Schütz, webXcerpt Software GmbH
  13. Ralf Zahn, ARS Computer und Consulting GmbH,
  14. Dominik Ebert, ARS Computer und Consulting GmbH,
  15. Walid Maalej, Researcher, TeamWeaver - TUM
  16. Zajko Pupo, Infineon Technologies AG
  17. Henning Burdack
  18. Amel Mahmuzic, TeamWeaver
  19. Klaus Franz, Improware GmbH
  20. Andreas Voigt, Microdoc GmbH
  21. ------- REGISTRATION CLOSED -------------

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