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Eclipse DemoCamps 2018/Hamburg
This time the DemoCamp will take place at the itemis Office Hamburg: Speersort 10, 20095 Hamburg
Date and Time
June 28, 2018
Get together starting at 06:45pm
Stefan Reichert, Zühlke Engineering
Following the principles of openness and transparency, we are open to everybody to sponsor this demo camp. Feel free to contact the organizers or simply add yourself to this wiki page as a sponsor.
One additional note: We will donate 20% of the sponsored food/drinks to an organization that supports homeless people in Hamburg. So 20% of the ordered drinks/food will not be delivered to our demo camp, but directly to that organization at the same time. We did that once in the past when we ordered more stuff that we could eat and we thought we should do this again, but this time by purpose.
itemis is general sponsor with EUR 500,-
Pivotal is general sponsor with EUR 500,-
Zühlke Engineering is general sponsor with EUR 500,-
- 18:45 Get together
- 19:15 Opening/Welcome
- 19:20 Eclipse IDE Debugger Features Live Demo - Rabea Gransberger
- 19:40 Code mining and minimap to give you all the info you need - Lars Vogel
- 20:00 Eclipse Tip of the day framework - Simon Scholz
- 20:20 Break
- 20:40 What's new in Xtext 2.14 - Holger Schill
- 21:00 Spring Tools 4 / Update - Martin Lippert
- 21:20 Closing Session
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. You need to have an Eclipse Bugzilla account to do so. Signing up is really easy and not only gives you the chance to attend Eclipse DemoCamps, but also gives you the sweet fuzzy feeling of being able to file Eclipse bugs! Come on, give it a try - we know you can do it!
- Martin Lippert, Pivotal
- Stefan Reichert, Zühlke Engineering
- Lars Vogel, vogella
- Rabea Gransberger
- Holger Schill, itemis
- Christian Hempe, Thales Deutschland
- Asaf Ikram, itemis
- Sergej Berger
- Erland Müller, DESY
- Christoph Mertins Trebing+Himstedt
- Arne Krawielitzki Trebing+Himstedt
- Torge Ortmann Trebing+Himstedt
- Oliver Ahrendt Trebing+Himstedt
- Martin Schindler Trebing+Himstedt
- Christopher Erlanger Minova
- Wilfried Saak Minova
- Fabian Pfaff, vogella