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Eclipse DemoCamp May 2016 Berlin
1. Location
Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2
10178 Berlin
2. Date and Time
May 12th, 2016
Registration: 1.00 pm
Opening: 2.00 pm
Presentations and Demos: 1.30 pm - 7.00 pm
3. Organizer
Tom Ritter, Fraunhofer FOKUS
4. Sponsors
The Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by Fraunhofer FOKUS and the Eclipse Foundation.
• The Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS is resarching and developing demand-oriented solutions for partners in industry, research and public administration.
• Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the open-source Eclipse Projects.
If you or your company would like to sponsor the venue, please get in touch with Tom.
5. Agenda
If you would like to give a demo, please feel free to add it tot he list. Should we receive more submissions than we can fit into the schedule, we will select the ones that we think are most interesting to the audience.
Schedule is currently being adjusted. This is the current draft:
1.00 pm -- Registration
1.30 pm -- Opening
1.45 pm -- Keynote Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Foundation
2:15 pm -- AGILE project - IoT and Art, Eric Fanghanel
2.45 pm -- Introduction to Eclipse Oomph, Eike Stepper (Oomph project lead)
3:15 pm break
3.35 pm -- Model-Driven Test Automation of SOA Systems with Eclipse, Martin Schneider (Fraunhofer FOKUS) and Marc-Florian Wendland (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
4.05 pm -- N4JS - sound static type system for JavaScript, Jens von Pilgrim (NumberFour AG)
4.35 pm break
5.55 pm -- The Astonishing Possibilities with Xtend, Max Bureck (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
5.25 pm -- Hono - Eclipse Iot project Hono, Kai Hudalla (Bosch Software Innovations GmbH)
5.55 pm -- wrap-up and open discussion
6. Details
If you added your demo to the list above, please add a short abstract to this list so people know what you will be talking about.
Open IoT
The opportunities for the Internet of Things are staggering, with estimates in the order of millions of developers, billions of devices, and trillions of dollars over the next decade or less. With numbers like those it is to be expected that the investment levels from industry and venture capital will be staggering. But much of this investment is ignoring one fundamental truth: the basic building blocks of the Internet of Things are going to be built on top of free and open source software. Business models that expect to achieve market dominance based on proprietary business models are going to fail. My talk will discuss some of the underlying trends that will drive this outcome.
AGILE is a 3-year-long project funded by the European Commision for the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program. AGILE will build a modular gateway to allow devices to be connected to each other and to the internet. The ultimate goals are to lower down the IoT adoption barriers and to facilitate the creation and deployment of IoT solutions while creating of a strong community engaging developers, SMEs and entrepreneurs. For this purpose AGILE is organizing an artistic event, scheduled for the summer of 2017, to involve the public at large with IoT and its possibilities as well as to involve the community of artists and developers of Berlin with this technology and with each other.
Introduction to Eclipse Oomph
This demo of Oomph's Eclipse Installer shows how to install preconfigured Eclipse IDEs and how to quickly customize them to your specific needs.
Model-Driven Test Automation of SOA Systems with Eclipse
This demo shows a model-driven test automation architecture based on EMF and supporting the principles of the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA). It was eventually applied on SOA systems but is in general independent of any target technology of the system under test.
Astonishing Possibilities with Xtend
Xtend is a general purpose programming language developed as an Eclipse Project. It transpiles to Java source code and is fully interoperable (both ways) with Java. The Xtend language features simplify coding by getting rid of many verbosities of the Java programming language, but also allow for some interesting uses of the features. This demo will show some, maybe surprising, ways how the Xtend language features can be used.
N4JS - sound static type system for JavaScript
N4JS is a language and IDE designed for developers who need to build scalable projects whose code is modular, reusable and easily maintainable over time. N4JS bridges the strengths of JavaScript and Java. The result is a typed JavaScript superset that is flexible and type-safe. The demo will show some features of N4JS and its IDE -- and why N4JS is very different from TypeScript.
Eclipse Hono
Today, developers can choose from a wide array of technology to develop and run their particular IoT solution, usually based on a given set of devices specific to the particular application domain at hand. I want to tell you why I consider the usual approach taken "sophisticated tinkering" and why we need to (and can) do a better job at providing an open source alternative to the commercial offerings from the big cloud players in order to not give away the most important control point in an IoT solution.
As part of the talk I will introduce Eclipse Hono an Eclipse IoT project aiming at providing uniform (remote) service interfaces for connecting large numbers of IoT devices to a (cloud) back end. It specifically supports scalable and secure data ingestion as well as command & control message exchange patterns and provides interfaces for provisioning & managing device identity and access control rules.
7. Who is attending
Tom Ritter, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Ralph Müller, Eclipse Foundation
Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Foundation
Eike Stepper, CDO, Oomph
Marc-Florian Wendland, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Martin Schneider, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Jens von Pilgrim, NumberFour AG
Martin Käs, SRZ Berlin
Torsten Krämer, NumberFour AG
Ed Merks, itemis
Kai Hudalla, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
Robert Breunung, IAV GmbH
Michael Wagner, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Marcus Engelhardt, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Veselin Markov, Gemtec GmbH
Robert Hilbrich, DLR