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EclipseLink 1.2.0 Release Notes
The EclipseLink 1.2.0 Release became available for download October 23, 2009.
Feature Overview
Resolved Issues
Resolved Bug Queries
- All Bugs and Enhancements Requests (ordered by priority)
- By Component: JPA, MOXy, SDO, DBWS, Foundation
Known Issues
All known issues with EclipseLink are tracked in the Eclipse bugzilla database. Queries for current open bugs in EclipseLink are available here.
JPA 2.0 Preview Limitations
With the JPA 2.0 there are some capabilities that are incomplete or differ in functionality from the current draft specification
- Criteria API
- QueryBuilder (javax.persistence.criteria) has been renamed to CriteriaBuilder in the final JPA 2.0 release
- Predicate.negate will be renamed to Predicate.not in final JPA 2.0 release
- Majority of QueryBuilder operators not yet implemented
- Metamodel: Some API not yet implemented or partially functional
- get*Id and get*Version methods
- - Partially implemented: public Type<?> getIdType()
- - Partially Implemented: public Type<?> getIdType()
Dynamic Weaving on JBoss Server
Using EclipseLink with JPA Dynamic Weaving on JBoss 5.1.0 (and higher) may result in multiple exceptions. This issue occurs only with dynamic weaving -- static weaving executes correctly. For information on using static weaving, see Static Weaving/EAR Packaging Modifications in the EclipseLink documentation.
See Bug 293581 for details on this issue.
The following features have been newly deprecated in the 2.0 release
Component | Feature | Description |
JPA | Standard Properties | JPA 2.0 introduces common properties for JDBC configuration. The implementation of these makes some of the existing 'eclipselink.jdbc.*' properties redundant for both JPA 1.0 and 2.0 usage and therefore have been deprecated in this release. They will be removed in a future release. In Eclipselink 1.2.0 the use of these properties will result in a log warning. |
Certified Configurations
Persistence Specifications Supported
Specification | Version | Notes |
EJB 3.0 (Java Persistence) - JSR 220 | 1.0 | |
Java Persistence (JPA) - JSR 317 | 2.0 | Preview based on final public draft |
Service Data Objects SDO - JSR 235 | 2.1.1 | Reference Implementation provided by EclipseLink 1.1.0.r3634 |
Java XML Binding Architecture (JAXB) - JSR 222 | 2.1 |
Java Persistence (JPA) 1.0 & 2.0
Java Architecture | JPA 2.0 Preview javax_persistence_1.99.6 |
JPA 1.0 javax_persistence_1.0 Included with EclipseLink ZIP |
JPA 1.0 javax_persistence_1.0 Orbit (signed) |
Java SE eclipselink.jar |
Java SE bundles |
Java EE eclipselink.jar |
Java EE bundles |
OSGi (Equinox) bundles |
Database Platform Certifications
- Database Platform Certification Notes
- (O) - Certified by Oracle TopLink QA for the EclipseLink project