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EclipseLink DBWS Service based on Results Sets from custom SQL SELECT statements
The use-case for this example is the creation of a Web service that exposes the results of executing some custom SQL SELECT statements, without exposing the actual SQL. As with the Stored Procedure use-case, there is no metadata to determine the structure of the returned data; therefore, the Simple XML Format schema is used.
The SQL SELECT statements targeted for this service are in the DBWSBuilder builder XML file:
<dbws-builder xmlns:xsd="">
<property name="projectName">testSql</property>
... database properties
<text><![CDATA[select count(*) from EMP]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[select count(*) as "COUNT", max(SAL) as "MAX-Salary" from EMP]]></text>
prompt > dbwsbuilder.cmd -builderFile dbws-builder.xml -stageDir output_directory -packageAs wls testSql.war
- dbws-builder.xml is the DBWS builder XML file above
- output_directory is the output directory for the generated files
- -packageAs specifies the platform on which the web service will be deployed
The generated eclipselink-dbws-schema.xsd file is the schema for the Simple XML format:
<xsd:complexType name="simple-xml-format">
<xsd:any minOccurs="0"/>
The element tags simple-xml-format and simple-xml are customized in the sql operations (e.g. <simple-xml-format> = <aggregate-info>, <simple-xml> = <count-and-max-salary>)
Generated EclipseLink DBWS service descriptor
One can see the SQL operations in the generated EclipseLink DBWS service descriptor eclipselink-dbws.xml file, along with the settings to alter the default Simple XML Format <element-tag> name:
<dbws xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="urn:testSql" xmlns:xsi="">
<![CDATA[select count(*) from EMP]]>
<![CDATA[select count(*) as "COUNT", max(SAL) as "MAX-Salary" from EMP]]>
SOAP Messaging
The following SOAP Message invokes the <count> operation for the testSql DBWS service:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<count xmlns="urn:testSqlService" xmlns:urn="urn:testSql"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<SOAP-ENV:Header />
<srvc:countResponse xmlns:srvc="urn:testSqlService">
<aggregate-info xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="simple-xml-format">
Note Note the treatment of the resultSet for select count(*). The characters '(', '*' and ')' are not valid for XML element-tags and are replaced by the well-known transformation documented as part of the SQL/X specification (a.k.a. SQL/XML:2003).
The above operation returned un-structured data. However, it is possible to nest such operations within the context of a Table-based operation; then, the nested operations can be configured to re-use the schema element type of the parent table and return structured data:
custom SQL as sub-operation of Table-based Web Service
<property name="projectName">empSql</property>
... database properties
<text><![CDATA[select * from EMP where ENAME like ?]]></text>
<binding name="ENAME" type="xsd:string"/>
The generated EclipseLink DBWS service descriptor eclipselink-dbws.xml file:
<result isCollection="true">
<![CDATA[select * from EMP where ENAME like #ENAME]]>