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< EclipseLink | DesignDocs
- 1 EclipseLink Application Management, Analytics, Diagnostics and Performance
- 1.1 Document History
- 1.2 Problem Statement
- 1.3 Scope
- 1.4 Requirements
- 1.5 Analysis
- 1.5.1 Current EclipseLink PerformanceProfiler
- 1.5.2 Current EclipseLink Runtime MBean
- 1.5.3 Current JRockit JRMC Integration Points
- Environment
- JRockit Real Time
- JRMC EclipseLink MBean method and attribute usage
- JRMC EclipseLink MBean Trigger Rules
- JRMC Live Method Profiler for EclipseLink User and API classes
- JRMC Live Exception Count for EclipseLink API and JPA Spec Exceptions
- JRMC Diagnostic Commands for running EclipseLink user or System Threads
- JRMC Processor Usage Tracking for EclipseLink MBean Attributes
- JRMC Live System Statistics tracking for EclipseLink MBean Attributes
- JRMC Garbage Collection Visualization
- JRMC Runtime Analyzer
- JRMC Memory Leak Detector
- JRMCD.exe
- 1.5.4 IBM J9 Integration
- 1.6 Third Party Tools
- 1.7 Design
- 1.8 Implementation
- 1.9 Work Items
- 1.10 Testing
- 1.11 References
- 1.12 Competitive Intelligence
EclipseLink Application Management, Analytics, Diagnostics and Performance
Document History
Date | Author | Version Description & Notes |
20110214 | Michael O'Brien | 1.0 Initial draft started |
20151004 | Lukas Jungmann | 1.1 Revisited initial draft |
Problem Statement
- This enhancement details work that will be done to enhance our basic JMX management API and add additional support for diagnostics and analytics reporting. We will also look at adding features that will enable developers to more accurately capture runtime performance and diagnostics information, as well as tools to interpret that data.
- There are two issues to this enhancement that separately deal with management and diagnostics reporting.
Management API
- Our existing runtime JMX management API that is exposed through the services MBean in any of the JConsole, Java Mission Control (JMC), Oracle JRF Enterprise Manager or JBoss web based console is sufficient but needs to be enhanced.
Diagnostics API
- Our existing runtime performance monitoring API could be enhanced with more JVM reporting - ideally that would not itself add overhead. This type of monitoring is currently done with Java Mission Control - however it does not specifically target the JPA runtime API.
- The scope of this issue is limited to the primary EE application servers that we currently support via JMX. These are WebLogic, WebSphere, GlassFish and JBoss. We may also extend support to SE applications and EJB 3.1 Lite containers running exclusively in the web container.
Session Management
Unified Metadata
- Metadata mappings from Annotations and ORM XML
- JPA 2.0 Metamodel
Session Cache
Query Cache
Dependency Injection Reference
- Spring, Session, Message-Driven and Singleton beans that reference or have injections of EMFs or EMs
L1 Cache
L2 Cache
JDBC Database Configuration
Extensibility and Multi-Tenancy
- Management of shared schemas at design-time and runtime including DDL generation support for modified schemas.
- We need to integrate with work done for Multi-Tenancy - which is a specific implementation of the Extensibility API
- We need to integrate with work done for Extensibility - which is a general API for extending a schema at static (design-time) or dynamic(run-time). Multi-Tenancy is one implementation of this API.
- Before we can decide on how and where we will enhance our management, analytics and diagnostics support we need to answer the following questions.
- Q1) What do we currently provide
- Q2) What are we going to with existing enhancment requests and how will we merge these with new requirements.
- Q3) What new features can we provide to leverage new or existing management, performance and analytics tools that ship with the latest application server releases
- Q4) What new features can we provide on top of Q1-Q3 that are specific to EclipseLink that go beyond what is currently available.
Existing Enhancement Requests
- 238412: JMX: Add J2SE MBean JUnit client test suite
- 252786: WLS: Add extended metrics functionality to WebLogic specific JMX MBeans
- 253017: JMX: Refactor: MBean impl/interface naming conventions change
- 253019: JMX: Refactor: Additional Human readable time format for TimeConnectionEstablished
- 253020: JMX: Refactor: getCacheTypeFor() for NoIdentityMap should return "NoIdentity" instead "None"
- 256943: JMX: Remove the development MBean from EclipseLink (keep RuntimeServices)
- 256945: JMX: Append JPA persistence unit name to MBean session name
- 261038: JMX: values of ProfilingType attr should correspond to types in org.eclipse.persistence.config.ProfilerType
- 263271: JMX: A new attribute for persistenceUnit name
- 263274: JMX: An attribute returning dataSource name.
- 265540: JMX: Add runtime services MBean monitoring to Java SE clients
- 266016: JMX: MBeans: Add session and metadata runtime modification capability to runtime services mbeans
- 317991: JMX: initializeIdentityMap(className) requires unset EMPTY_STRING input validation handler to avoid ClassNotFoundException
- 320431: JMX: Merge Core and SDO support for the JMX MBean API
- 320684: JMX: Add reflective API as backup for module/application name derivation via classloader toString parsing
- 321229: JMX: Add documentation for new MBean jmx.moduleName/jmx.applicationName persistence unit property override
- 322288: JPA: GlassFish V3 tutorial requires completion for Eclipse 3.6 and NetBeans 6.9 IDEs
- 325893: JMX: no descriptions for TopLink MBean attributes & operations
- 325901: JMX:java.rmi.UnmarshalException when invoking "getObjectsInIdentityMap" and "getObjectsInIdentityMapSubCacheAsMap"
- 326004: JMX: invalidateIdentityMaps() and InitializeIdentityMaps() are grayed out on WebLogic for SUN JRE (jconsole) only - JRockit is OK
- 330095: JMX: Add MBean support for new [eclipselink.logging.parameters parameter binding log/exception hiding security feature ]
- 333160: JMX: ModuleName string extraction code does not handle -1 not found index in 3 of 5 cases
- 333161: JMX: Automated server testing of MBean attributes specifically application and module name
- 333197: Container testing requires multiple DI/Bootstrap application/container-managed EAR(EJB/WAR with SSB)/EAR(WAR only) test applications
- 334468: WebLogic Server 10.3.4: Update all JTA container managed JPA 2.0 wiki/bug/newsgroup-question content
- 333368: Server Test: container managed apps require Security Manager enabled testing for GlassFish,WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss
- 337029: Provide interface to Performance Monitor API
- 337030: Provide interface to Data Partitioning API
- 337031: Provide interface to Extensibility API
- 337032: Provide interface to Extensibility API
- 337033: Provide interface to Metamodel API
Requirements Details
- Official high level requirements
- R1: Address critical open issues general to all application servers
- R2: Expand platforms that we support JMX management on
- R2.1: Expand support for JMX management of JPA based applications to SE clients
- R2.2: Expand support for JMX management of JPA based applications to JEE6 EJB3.1 container managed deployments
- R2.2: (WebLogic) Integration points for WLSRuntimeMBeans
- R2.3: Expand support for JMX management of JPA based applications to JEE7
- R3: Manageability Requirements
- R3.1: Make MBeans change session aware - may not be an issue unless we are classified as configuration MBeans
- R3.2: (WebLogic EM) Provide discovery MBean with EM target types
- R3.3: Identify Key metrics?
- R4: Performance Tracking Requirements
- R4.1: Java Mission Control Integration
- R4.2: JMC Flight Recorder integration
- R4.3: (WebLogic) Oracle Diagnostics Logging (ODL) usage/integration
- R4.4: Expose Runtime monitoring through a new MBean or the new generic PerformanceProfiler MBean
- This MBean would be exposed in EM?
- R4.5: Multicore utilization or thread parallelism API
- R5: Performance Analytics Requirements
- R5.1: (WebLogic) JRMC Runtime Analyser integration - to interpret JRMC-FR results
- R5.2: EclipseLink Performance Profiler analysis tool?
- R6: Scripting Requirements
- R6.1: (WebLogic) WLST jython scripting required?
- R6.2: WSADMIN (python) and OJBST scripting required?
- R7: Security Requirements
- R7.1: Verify security manager support for MBeans in WebSphere and JBoss
- R7.2: Determine how JConsole local access can be secured (remote access is via password or port control)
- R8: Localization
- R8.1: Command labels and messages must be I18N enabled.
- R9: Cache Integration (EclipseLink, Coherence, ehCache, Terracotta)
- R9.1: Expose MBean spanning multiple servers (no L2 cache)?
- R9.2: Expose multiple MBeans from multiple L1 EclipseLink caches
- R9.2: Expose MBean spanning multiple L2 caches
- R10: Third Party Integration
- R10.1: Spring Hyperic integration
- R10.2: Spring Insight integration
- R20: Extensibility Management (20110321)
- R20.1: Integrate with work for Multi-Tenancy - a specific implementation of the Extensibility API
- R20.2: Integrate with work for Extensibility - a generic API for Descriptor and Schema changes at design-time or run-time
- R21: Performance Monitor Integration
- Add API to work with the new 321763 Performance Monitor introduced in EclipseLink 2.2
- Introduce Admin Role MBeans
- Investigate Scripting support for configuration changes (WLS for WebLogic, Python for WebSphere, ? for JBoss, ? for GlassFish)
- R22: Data Partitioning Integration
- Provide interface for the 328937: Data Partitioning API in EclipseLink 2.2
- R23: Expose Metamodel API via JMX
- See 337033
WebLogic Specific Requirements
- WebLogic Server has several monitoring API join points that we can use either at the WebLogic MBean level or through events exposed to JRMC for servers running on the JRockit JVM. We will need to work closely with the WLS team to finalize the interfaces between EclipseLink and WLS.
GlassFish Specific Requirements
WebSphere Specific Requirements
JBoss Specific Requirements
Spring TC Specific Requirements
Tomcat Specific Requirements
Generic Server Requirements
- Ideally, any new API should be available to all supported EE servers (not just WebLogic) and optionally SE clients.
- R: Expose PerformanceProfiler/PerformanceMonitor events through a new MBean generic to all EE servers
- R: Expose PerformanceProfiler/PerformanceMonitor events through a Java Flight Recorder API/Events
- non-WebLogic EE servers may not benefit from performance tracking provided by JRockit out of the box. These servers (WebSphere, JBoss and GlassFish) can however use the JRockit JVM with minimal configuration changes.
- Our analysis will take two phases.
- 1) What do we currently provide?
- Specifically from EclipseLink (like our PerformanceProfiler)
- Via our JMX MBean.
- Or generically via the SUN JVM bin tools
- Or specifically via the JRockit JVM and JRMC (JRockit Mission Control and Flight Recorder).
- 2) What can we enhance or expose through API?
- What runtime properties can be added to our JMX MBean.
- What runtime properties can be tracked via existing or new WLSRuntimeBeans.
- What other 3rd party performance tracking and analytic tools can be integrated with.
- 1) What do we currently provide?
Current EclipseLink PerformanceProfiler
Current EclipseLink Runtime MBean
Current JRockit JRMC Integration Points
- WebLogic 20110115 version
- Running JRockit (32-bit on 64-bit)
- Oracle JRockit(R) (build R28.1.1-14-139783-1.6.0_22-20101206-0241-windows-ia32, compiled mode)
- Running EclipseLink 2.3 trunk replaces 2.1.2 shipped with WebLogic 10.3.4
- EE application is the Collatz distributed EE application with 6 external JVM's running various IA64, IA32 and UltraSparc implementations.
JRockit Real Time
- [JRockit Profiling and Tuning]
JRMC EclipseLink MBean method and attribute usage
JRMC EclipseLink MBean Trigger Rules
- An example would be a trigger on Number of Objects In All Identity Maps. In my [distributed case study] after running the server for 24 hours we reach around 26000 objects in the identity map before the map is reset back to 6000. Therefore if we put a trigger at say 26000 we should see an event once a day on a load of 1 transaction per second.
JRMC Live Method Profiler for EclipseLink User and API classes
JRMC Live Exception Count for EclipseLink API and JPA Spec Exceptions
JRMC Diagnostic Commands for running EclipseLink user or System Threads
JRMC Processor Usage Tracking for EclipseLink MBean Attributes
JRMC Live System Statistics tracking for EclipseLink MBean Attributes
JRMC Garbage Collection Visualization
JRMC Runtime Analyzer
JRMC Memory Leak Detector
IBM J9 Integration
- For users of WebSphere 6,7 and 8
Third Party Tools
Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT)
Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool for Java Heap Analysis.
Performance Optimization
- Available options:
- Batch Reading
- Batch Writing
- Partial Attribute Query
- Parameterized SQL
- Bulk Update Query
- Transformation Mappings
- Order of SQL
- Avoiding instanceof checks
- Projections
- Statement caches
- Leverage CallableStatement
- Cache Coordination (coordination)
- Lazy Loading - via proxy instrumentation
- Change Tracking - via proxy instrumentation
- Optimizing Joins
- L1 Cache parameters
- L2 Cache integration
- Sequence allocation (size)
- In memory database
- When to use Pessimistic Locking over Optimistic
- Patterns for 2-phase commit - XA
Asymmetric Data Access
- Most applications perform more reading that writing to the database. We therefore need to provide performance analysis tools that help to optimize the cache for the customer scenario.
Cache Performance
- What exactly is the magic number of virtual machines that are needed for a particular application in order that a performance gain will happen if we switch to an L2 cache.
- Does warming of the cache improve read performance.
Performance Monitor
- Provide interface for the 321763 performance monitor changes in EclipseLink 2.2
Data Partitioning
- Provide interface for the 328937: Data Partitioning API in EclipseLink 2.2
Multi-Tenancy Support
- R20.1: Integrate with work for Multi-Tenancy - which is a specific implementation of the Extensibility API
Extensibility Support
- R20.2: Integrate with work for Extensibility - which is a general API for extending a schema at static (design-time) or dynamic(run-time). Multi-Tenancy is one implementation of this API.
- For example see the section in the Use case where the user of the Extensibility API makes changes at runtime to the existing schema by adding a relationship via to be determined set of new attributes or functions in the JMX management interface.
- Currently the Add action is supported. Delete and Update are not supported yet without an application shutdown.
Extensibility via Flex Columns
- Any new JMX API introduced into EclipseLink will follow the API exposed by the ExtensionManager in the 340192 design document.
JMX API function | Extensibility API function | Notes |
addExtension(seqId, owningEntity, name, type ) | addExtension(ExtensionProperty) | - |
addExtension(seqId, owningEntity, name) | addExtension(ExtensionProperty) | Let EclipseLink auto choose the approprate data type |
getExtension(id) | ?(?) | - this function lists an extension added via addExtension, propagated from another client or added automatically at session creation time (possibly from persisted extensions in a previously passivated session or via @FlexExtension and @FlexColumn annotations at design time) |
getExtensions() | getExtensionFields() | - this function lists extensions added via addExtension, propagated from another client or added automatically at session creation time (possibly from persisted extensions in a previously passivated session) |
getAvailableExtensionFields() | getAvailableExtensionFields() | - return remaining available ext fields |
removeExtension(name) | removeExtension(name) | no effect until a redeploy |
updateExtension(name) | - | no effect until a redeploy |
- Q) It is stated that remove and update are not supported at runtime without a redeploy. Do we mean they are supported but do not take effect until a redeploy?
R23: JPA 2.0 Metamodel Exposure via JMX
- 20110321: After a quick discussion with Peter on exposing the Extensibility API via JMX - it may be a better solution to expose the entire Metamodel which would include any Extensible relationships added dynamically to the schema.
- See Design Issue # 108 of the JPA 2.0 Metamodel API
- See tracking bug# 337033
Analysis R23
- The Metamodel is generated during the predeploy of the EntityManagerFactory for the persistence unit at runtime. There currently is internal API that can be used to regenerate the Metamodel in the case where dynamic relationships have been added to the model post-design-time. We will need to refactor this code to support viewing new mappings that were added via th Extensibility and Multi-Tenancy API's.
// /** * INTERNAL: Convenience function to allow us to reset the Metamodel in the * possible case that we want to regenerate it. This function is outside of * the JPA 2.0 specification. * * @param aMetamodel * @since Java Persistence 2.0 */ public void setMetamodel(Metamodel aMetamodel) { if (!this.isOpen()) { throw new IllegalStateException(ExceptionLocalization.buildMessage("operation_on_closed_entity_manager_factory")); } this.setupImpl.setMetamodel(aMetamodel); } // User code emf.setMetamodel(null); // clear Metamodel emf.getMetamodel(); // regenerate Metamodel
JPA dependency in Core
- If we are going to store the actual Metamodel JPA 2.0 specification object in core/foundation on the session then we will need to introduce new dependency API. We may just need to copy out the types into our own proprietary native collection of types stored on the session.
- We will instead recreate the Metamodel maps for Entities, MappedSuperclasses and Embeddables as separate Maps on the session.
Work Items
- Get MBean integration points that exist with JRockit
- Get new MBean integration poinsts possible with JRockit
- Get new MBean integration points possible with SpringSource
- 337029: Provide interface to Performance Monitor API
- 337030: Provide interface to Data Partitioning API
- 337031: Provide interface to Extensibility API
- 337032: Provide interface to Multi-Tenant API
- 321763 Performance Monitor - EclipseLink 2.2
- 328937: Data Partitioning
- 335601: Extensibility
- 340192: Extensibility through Flex Columns
- 337323: Multi-Tenancy
- Java Mission Control