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The following is a list of Dependencies that EclipseLink 2.6.0 requires to compile all components.

This list is a 2.6.0 snapshot of live dependency list at: page for EclipseLink 2.6.0 release.

Build Tools, Dependencies

Library Name Version IP Bug Dist/Comp/Test Notes
BND 0.0.351 APPROVED-3481 Compile Used for OSGi Manifest generation, manipulation.
ANT 1.7.0 / 1.8.4 APPROVED-2282
Compile Used for compilation.


Library Name Version IP Bug Dist/Comp/Test Notes
ASM 5.0.1 APPROVED-8222 Distributed Internalized into org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm. Used for byte-code weaving of persistent classes
ANTLR 3.2 APPROVED-4466 Distributed Internalized into org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.antlr.
Required for parsing JPQL.
JAXB API 2.2 / 2.2.12 APPROVED-8374 Distributed Only required when using JAXB (Not required for native OXM usage). Always included in Java EE containers, and in JDK.
JAXB Core 2.2.11 APPROVED-8984 Distributed Only required when using JAXB 2.0 Schema Compiler (Not required for native OXM usage). Always included in Java EE containers.
JAXB XJC 2.2.11 APPROVED-8371 Distributed Only required when using JAXB 2.0 Schema Compiler (Not required for native OXM usage). Always included in JavaEE5 containers.
JavaMail 1.4 APPROVED-1619 Distributed Required for Web Service attachment handling in MOXy.
Always included in Java EE containers.
Service Data Objects (SDO) 2.1.1 APPROVED-2884 Distributed Only required when using SDO functionality.
JSON-P API+RI 1.0.4 APPROVED-8679 Distributed Required by JSON support in MOXy, used for JSON parsing.
Bean Validation API (javax.validation) 1.1.0 APPROVED-8334 Distributed Required by MOXy - used for supporting Bean Validation feature. Reflectively also used in JPA.
JTA 1.1 APPROVED-1613 Compile Only required when using JTA. Generally provided by host container.
JMS 1.1 !!! (pulling org.eclipse.net4j.jms.api:jar:3.1.100.v20140218-1709 from somewhere) APPROVED-1614 Compile Only required when using JMS cache coordination. Typically provided by host container.
EJB API 3.1.1 APPROVED-6329 Compile Only required for compilation of MessageDrivenBean code. Included in Java EE containers.
CDI API 1.0 APPROVED-6951 Compile Included in Java EE containers.
JavaEE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.6 APPROVED-7339 Compile Only required when using EIS data source support through JCA.
JGroups 3.2.8 APPROVED-7143 Compile  ?
JAXB Impl 2.2.11 APPROVED-8372 Test Only used for RI compatibility testing. Always included in JavaEE5 containers.
Expression Language API 2.2 APPROVED-8429 Test Required by Hibernate for Bean Validation testing.
Expression Language Implementation 2.2.2 APPROVED-8430 Test Required by Hibernate for Bean Validation testing.
Classmate library 1.0.0 APPROVED-8433 Test Required by Hibernate for Bean Validation testing.
JBoss Logging Framework 3.1.4 APPROVED-8431 Test Required by Hibernate for Bean Validation testing.
Hibernate Bean Validation Implementation all (5.1.0 current) APPROVED-3571 Test Required by Hibernate for Bean Validation testing.
JMockit 1.10 APROVED-8545 Test Used for mocking objects.
Kryo 2.2.1 APROVED-7299 Test Used for fast serialization of objects in JPA. Only loaded by reflection when present and enabled. No compilation or runtime dependency.
JMH Core 0.9.3 APROVED-8546 Test Required by JMH framework for performance testing.
JMH Generator 0.9.3 APROVED-8547 Test Required by JMH framework for performance testing.
Math Commons 3.3 APROVED-8548 Test Required by JMH framework for performance testing.
JOpt Simple 4.6 APROVED-8549 Test Required by JMH framework for performance testing.

DBWS Component Specific Dependencies

Library Name Version IP Bug Dist/Comp/Test Notes
WSDL4J 1.6.2 APPROVED-1701 Distributed Required by DBWS
Servlet API 2.4.0 / !!! (pulling 3.0.0 somewhere for some reason) APPROVED-2505
Compile Required by DBWS
JAX-RS API 1.1.1 APPROVED-4436 Compile Used for compilation of JPA-RS features.
Jersey Core 1.8.0 APPROVED-6403 Test Used for testing JPA-RS features.

NOSQL Component Specific Dependencies

Library Name Version IP Bug Dist/Comp/Test Notes
MongoDB Driver 2.7.3 !!! (right now using 2.10) APPROVED-6168 Compile Required by NOSql

Transitive Dependencies

Library Name Version IP Bug Dist/Comp/Test Notes
JAX-RPC 1.1 APPROVED-2287 Transitive Transitive dependency from javax.ejb
javax.inject 1.0 APPROVED-6662 Transitive Transitive dependency from cdi-api

Obsolete Dependencies - to be removed

Library Name Version IP Bug Dist/Comp/Test Notes
(Included in JAXB 2.0)
1.0 APPROVED-1618 Compile Optional processing style in MOXy.
Always included in JavaEE5 containers. Included in JDK 6 >.
Java Activation Framework
(Included in JAXB 2.0)
1.1 APPROVED-1620 Compile Required for Web Service attachment handling in MOXy.
Always included in JavaEE5 containers. Found in all JDKs > 5.
Available from Orbit
JPA (EJB 3.0) 1.0 APPROVED-1616 Compile Only required when using JPA. Required in Java SE but always included in Java EE containers.
Xerces 2.9.0 APPROVED-2046 Compile Used by Workbench. Workbench obsolete as of now.

Third Party Dependencies

As per the Policy and Procedure for 3rd Party Dependencies the EclipseLink project has the following works-with dependencies. EclipseLink's pre-req behavior is as documented in the IP Log working with standard data source access APIs and compatible implementations.

The following dependencies are optional works-with capabilities available for those users who wish to access advanced features of the Oracle database and therefore have the corresponding libraries available from their database distribution. The functionality that leverages the additional features is isolated within SVN at: /foundation/ . Both the Eclipse projects and ANT targets provided enable users to build and test EclipseLink without these optional dependencies or if they want to use these they can configure either Eclipse IDE variables or customize ANT properties files to provide the location of their works-with Oracle JDBC libraries.

Library Jars License Notes
Oracle JDBC ojdbc*.jar OTN
Oracle Spatial Java Class Library sdoapi.jar OTN
Note: This version is for use with Oracle 10g Spatial,, 9iR2, 9iR1, and with JDK 1.4.2 or higher.
Oracle XDK xml.jar
OTN XMLTypeBindCallCustomParameter & XMLTypeFactoryImpl (
org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.xdk.* (5 classes)
Oracle AQ aqapi.jar OTN* (5 classes)
Note: Seems to only be available from the database distribution.
Oracle UCP ucp.jar OTN* (1 class)
Note: Seems to only be available from the database distribution.

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