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EPP/Obsolete/Wizard/Demonstration HowTo


This wiki page outlines the steps necessary to run the EPP Wizard.



The EPP Wizard is currently being developed against Eclipse 3.5 (Due to release in June 2009). The CVS head version requires an Eclipse 3.5 SDK >= 3.5M6. The P2 installer part of the EPP Wizard is being developed against Eclipse 3.4 (see bug 262331 for more information).


The EPP Wizard relies on a number of additional projects. A project file is provided to make downloading all of the dependencies easy:

  1. Download the Eclipse Project Set - "eppwizard.psf" file and save it to your local machine by clicking on 'Download' next to the version number (Note: be sure to download the latest version).
  2. In Eclipse go to File->Import->Team->Team Project Set and click on 'Next'.
  3. In the next dialogue box click on 'Browse' and find the 'eppwizard.psf' file you downloaded earlier
  4. Then click on 'Finish' to import the set of projects that make up the EPP Wizard. If you don't have write access to any of the repositories, use 'anonymous' as the user name and leave the password empty.

You might want to consider using a workspace devoted to just the EPP wizrd due to the number of projects that will be retrieved.

Target Platform

After downloading the sources the target platform have to be set up to Eclipse 3.5 (M6 or later). Download the latest stable 3.5 stream build of Eclipse at [1]. The target platform can be defined by setting a preference. In Plug-in Development -> Target Platform point the field 'Location' to the downloaded 3.5 Eclipse.

Generate metadata (optional)

This step generates a metadata repository (essentially a file called content.xml) from IU definitions (see EPP/Obsolete/Wizard/Proposal for better P2 Integration).

This step can be started with the Launch configuration "Metadata generator.launch" (the launch configuration currently seems to contain unresolved bundles, and thus throw exceptions, the content generation should work anyway)


The EPP wizard needs two different repository source, one for the standard Eclipse/Ganymede IUs and one for the EPP IUs create in the previous step (c.f. EPP/Obsolete/Wizard/RepositorySetup). Although the official update sites can be used for the former (standard), for testing it is more efficient to use a local mirror. The latter repository is basically just the generated content.xml accessible by a web server. The easiest thing to do is to set up a local Apache server and host the files from there.


The project "org.eclipse.epp.wizard" contains two properties files for configuration ( and that determine the configuration of the wizard. Usually only the paths and URLs need to be changed, see the comments in the files for further information. Note that the directory containing the content.xml described in the step above must be accessible at the property value of "epp.metadata", either via "file:" or "http:" protocol.


The Launch configuration "EPP Wizard OSGi" launches an OSGi application with an embedded Jetty servlet container serving on port 8888. The EPP wizard can then be reached at http://localhost:8888/rap.

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