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Organizational Requirements
To participate as an SDK Provider an organization (“Organization”) must agree to the following requirements:
- Organization must be a member of the Pulsar Working Group, and by definition a member of the Eclipse Foundation.
- Organization must identify a primary and secondary contact to answer support related questions for their update site.
- Organization must participate in the testing of the milestones release of the Pulsar package. Each organization will be asked to confirm testing of each milestone before the Pulsar package is released.
- Each Organization recognizes that an installable unit will be made available to users which may be comprised of content made available by the Eclipse Foundation and Organization and other SDK Providers. Content provided by SDK Providers will be distributed to users from their servers.
- Each SDK Provider assumes the responsibility of making their SDK available under a software license agreement. It is recommended that each SDK Provider ensure that such license is made available to and accepted by users prior to downloading content to the user.
- Eclipse Foundation content is made available under the Eclipse Foundation Website Terms of Use.
- Each Organization must agree to abide by these guidelines by stating their desire to be included as a Pulsar SDK Provider on the public mailing list. This email must be sent by the Organization’s representative to the Mobile IWG.