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Conference Call
- Ronnie King - Nokia
- Paul Beusterien - Symbian Foundation
- Ian Skerrett - Eclipse Foundation
- Daniel Franco - Eldorado
- Marcel Gorri - Eldorado
- Jon Dearden - RIMM
Project representatives:
Roll Call and Review of the Agenda (5 Minutes)
- Vote on architecture proposal
- Discuss potential contributions that could support common architecture
Vote for Pulsar Architecture Proposal
- Vote to accept architecture proposal was made, second by Paul, the vote is declared passed
- ACTION - Add disclaimer that the document is a living document and is expected to evolve with the respective technology
- ACTION - Remove names listed on the document
Discussion on Contributions
- Nokia is evaluating how the SDK targeting models are implemented within both Native and Java to determine how to best integrate a common model
- RIMM has interest in Web, began preliminary design on configuration design editor for W3C widgets(on hold)
- Symbian Foundation discuss how to best support fragmented web models
Helios Release
Sequoyah Status
- Marcel : M7 builds to be completed by today.
MTJ Status
- Marcel : ACTION - Need updated build from Gustav to include MTJ in M7 build