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TECHNICAL Meeting Logistics
Berlin, Stockholm, Salzburg | 5:00:00 PM | UTC+1 hours |
Helsinki (Finland) | 6:00:00 PM | UTC+2 hours |
London (UK) | 4:00:00 PM | UTC+0 hour |
San Francisco (USA. - California) | 8:00:00 AM | UTC-8 hours |
Sao Paulo (Brazil - São Paulo) | 2:00:00 PM | UTC-2 hours |
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Dial-in Info
Toll free:
- US & Canada: 1877 825 8522
- UK: 0808 234 7914
- Brazil: 0800 891 6634
- Finland: 0800 11 6433
- Sweden: 020 79 3867 or 020 088 4643
- More international call-in Numbers, see: EMIWG/InternationalDialInNumbers
International Toll Number: US: +1 702 495 1500
Passcode: 9190565826
Attendees (Preliminary)
- Motorola (Dino Brusco, Christian Kurzke, Gustavo Paula, Eric Hildum)
- Nokia (Ronnie King, David Dubrow)
- Craig Setera
- RIM (Ken Wallis, Jon Dearden)
- IBM (Mark Rogalski)
- Eclipse Foundation (Ian Skerret)
Proposed Agenda
Roll Call and Review of the Agenda (5 Minutes)
(anyone have some last minute Agenda items)
changed order of items, technical discussion first. David on vacation, wanted to drop off early.
Micro Site
Progress, report Ian
Currently awaiting new Logo/Branding
Pulsar Branding
Ian sent out several options for a new Pulsar Logo to the mailing list. We proposed in the meeting to use the "Proposal two", page 2.
Here is a sample of this logo:
In the meeting no objection to this proposal was voiced, and the proposal was accepted to be used as the official branding for the Pulsar release and the micro site.
Next steps are to go back to the designers and have them create a "icon" matching this style.
SDK Participant Guidelines
Vote by email, one vote per member company representative Deadline: Thursday May 28th
ACTION: it was decided we need to review the guidelines. among other: define SDK
Planned Participants to make Pulsar SDK available
- Nokia (MIDP / ERCP?)
- Motorola (MIDP)
Any updates from RIM or Sony/Ericsson?
RESULT: Sony/Ericsson not attended call. RIM not ready in time for launch in June.
Galileo Work Items
- Current working on some improvements on QuickInstall view
- Support features / plugins install
- The other open items are:
- Documentation
- Testing
Project Updates
Contributions to Pulsar Code: Gustavo Overview of current QuickInstall View
- Last week contributions
- UI improvements (metadata tool updated to reflect that)
- Repository logo, description, website (current logo comes from pulsar site)
- SDK description and web site (opens browser)
- SDK "more info..."
- Add authentication on repositories (suggestion is that on the artifacts.xml and the sdk it self are password protected)
- Add uninstall (if the sdk is an executable, it is not going to be uninstalled)
- Add sdk details (opens mtj device manager)
- Add refresh
- Add OS filtering (metadata tool updated to reflect that)
- Pulsar perspective
- UI improvements (metadata tool updated to reflect that)
Need Member companies to upload content to SDK servers to test QuickInstall
EPP Packaging
Still need final logo for Splash Screen
Next Steps
Action Items
- circle back with designers to create a icon for new Pulsar Logo.
- provide "illustrator" files for Logo and Icon to Gustavo for integration with Pulsar splash screen
- send out description and requirements for SDK provider server setup
- update sdk provider guidelines on wiki
Ronnie, Dino, Ken, (Christian): collaborate on SDK provider requirements (wording, text, etc.) propose for a vote by end of May.
Christian: provide SDK definition proposal for guidelines