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TECHNICAL Meeting Logistics


Berlin, Stockholm, Salzburg 5:00:00 PM UTC+1 hours
Helsinki (Finland) 6:00:00 PM UTC+2 hours
London (UK) 4:00:00 PM UTC+0 hour
San Francisco (USA. - California) 8:00:00 AM UTC-8 hours
Sao Paulo (Brazil - São Paulo) 2:00:00 PM UTC-2 hours

Click here for Complete Listing of World Clock Timezones.

Dial-in Info

Toll free:

  • US & Canada: 1877 825 8522
  • UK: 0808 234 7914
  • Brazil: 0800 891 6634
  • Finland: 0800 11 6433
  • Sweden: 020 79 3867 or 020 088 4643
  • More international call-in Numbers, see: EMIWG/InternationalDialInNumbers

International Toll Number: US: +1 702 495 1500

Passcode: 9190565826

Attendees (Preliminary)

  • Motorola (Dino Brusco, Christian Kurzke, Gustavo Paula, Eric Cloninger)
  • Nokia (Ronnie King (Carbide.c++), Gorkem Ercan )
  • Craig Setera
  • RIM (Ken Wallis (eclipse team lead), Matt Whiteman, Adam Abramski, Cassidy Gentle)
  • Sony Ericsson (Thomas Westing)
  • Genuitec (Wayne Parrott, Todd Williams) project Firefly

Proposed Agenda (Rough Draft!!)

Roll Call and Review of the Agenda (5 Minutes)

(anyone have some last minute Agenda items)


Technical discussion about roadmap

  • Native development Support
  • Web Development Support

Project Updates

  • Report on Progress on the MTJ project for SDK integration

Product (MADK) Update

  • New name for Product?

Reminder for submissions to mailing list. Ian to make decision for Press Release.

Proposals sofar: Mobile Application Kit for Eclipse (MAKE) Mobile Application Toolkit for Eclipse (MATE) Eclipse Mobile (EMO) Mobile Studio

Working Group: Zeus

Possibly a cosmic theme Workgroup name: Perihelion (when a comet passes by the Sun) or Kuiper (the source of many comets) MADK releases: Comet names:

  • Update of Packaging progress
    • coordinate with EPP!
    • "Brand-ability", how much flexibility do we need for extenders to add branding/documentation? How to resolve conflicts?

  • Discuss WTK 3.0 integration

According to Thomas's email:

    • it has a "Device Manager" - can we integrate this in Eclipse?
    • it uses an update manager - how is this compatible with Eclipse P2?

Device Properties (Craig/Gorkam)

    • what are concrete next steps? we should do this outside MTJ?

Planning for EclipseCon F2F Meeting

Proposals for Technical Agenda Items:

  • Packaging/P2 download (30 mins?)
  • Branding Extension Points (15 mins)

Next Steps

Action Items

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