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Attendees (Tentative)
- Eclipse Foundation (Ian Skerrett)
- Motorola (Dino Brusco, Christian Kurzke, Gustavo, Eric Cloninger)
- Nokia ([Rich Bartlett], Ronnie King (Carbide.c++) )
- Craig Setera
- RIM (Ken Wallis (eclipse team lead), Matt Whiteman, Adam Abramski, Cassidy Gentle)
- Sony Ericsson (Thomas Westing)
- Intel (Bob Spencer (OSS technologies, moblin architect)
- Genuitec (Wayne Parrott, Maher Masri, Todd Williams) Project Firefly
- Mark Rogalski (eRCP)
(Roll Call)
Proposed Agenda
Members are welcome to edit this Wiki page and add to the agenda before the meeting. Changes (removals) should be discussed on the mailing list.
Review of the Agenda
(anyone have some last minute Agenda items)
Craig: Wants to present idea for WG road map consideration
Review of MIWG Materials
- Industry Working Group Process (Ian)
- Working Groups are more focused on collaboration on a strategy level, unlike traditional "projects" which are focused on producing Code.
- Eclipse provides a defined process how organizations join and collaborate openly
- 2 Levels of participation: Steering Committee and Members
- All proceedings are open to the general public
- Craig Setera (Ideas on long term MADK development) New Agenda Item
- Current Pain point for Mobile Application developers: Device "Fragmentation"
- e.g. MIDP, doesnt standardize things like "soft key" key codes.
Developers would benefit from e.g. a centralized device property database There is 2 other projects,
- Wurfel: a XML DB with questionable licensing, data somewhat outdated
- J2ME Polish: Data better Licensing questionable
- This forum could be a good starting point for a new, open, industry wide DB
- Will start a Email thread to start discussion, get interest & feedback from members
- Mobile IWG Charter review
Dino : Charter includes currently 4 areas:
- MADK (product: base development platform)
- Roadmap
- Best Practices: goal to unify e.g. documentation (what/how to document), this could include Craig's proposed fragmentation Database
- Promotion: Marketing, etc.
- (Note: Do we need to reflect those areas on the Wiki? create subfolders?)
- Mail List – reminder, please subscribe
- Brief summary of project
- Wiki Overview
Note: (Christian) Clarification of communication medium: for now keep converstaions on Email List, if needed and desired we can explore Bugzilla for "focussed" discussion of an item. Since most people on this list are not working day-to-day with bugzilla, this may be a overhead?? opinions anyone?
Road Map Work Items
Discuss technical work items
- Creation of a MADK package
- Brief summary
- Timeline
- Post Galileo planning
- Do we need technical sub-committee(s)?
Market Development Activities
Ecosystem Development
- How to increase industry awareness outside Eclipse community?
- e.g. should we engage in JCP discussions around UEI
- other ideas
Upcoming Events
- Eclipse related Events
- March 23-26: EclipseCon 09
- Galileo Train release (MTJ = 1.0)
- General Open Source and Mobile Events
- January 21-22: Java Mobile and Embedded Developer Days
- March 11-13: Mobile Connect Conference
- August 10-13: Open Source World Conference (former Linux World)
Next Steps
- Discuss future EMIWG telecons – BiWeekly? Technical / Steering Committee
- Assigned SC representative (must appoint technical representative)
- Assigned technical resource for technical committee
Next Meeting
- Schedule bi-weekly Call
- Next Call, Thursday Jan 29, same time
- Face to Face meeting at EclipseCon
- Ian to explore hosting/room for 1/2 day event
- Create Agenda for f2f Meeting