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Conference Call
- Motorola (Christian Kurzke, Eric Cloninger, Ruth, Daniel Franco, Guilherme)
- Nokia (Ronnie King, Gorkem (lead ERCP), Warren Paul)
- RIM (Adam Abramski, Jon Dearden, Ken Wallis)
- Symbian (Paul Beusterien)
- Eclipse Foundation (Ian, Doug Schaeffer)
Project representatives:
- MTJ: Christian Kurzke
- Sequoyah: Eric Cloninger
- CDT: Doug Schaeffer
- ERCP: Gorkem
Roll Call and Review of the Agenda (5 Minutes)
How to Collaborate
Ronnie: where do we store documents?
Ian: Let's keep Discussions on Mailing list (can also be accessed via Eclipse Mail Archive) - Notes and other text should be collected on the Wiki Pages
Helios Readiness
Uninstall Dialogue
Daniel (Brazil) busy working on this. Should be in time for M7. Details to be discussed on Sequioyah calls.
Eric: To repost on EMIWG the requirements for SDK provider Participants.
Ian - For coordination issues - please post on Pulsar Mailing List.
Pulsar review of scope
Comments for Ronnies Architecture Document are DUE by April 16th (Friday next week)
One open Area: give more feedback on Android usecase, especially NATIVE