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Install a JVM
- First, download and install a JVM (JRE or JDK), if one is not already installed.
- For EMF 2.2 or older, JDK 1.4 will work.
- For EMF 2.3+, you need JDK 5.0 or later to develop, but you can still target a 1.4 runtime. See EMF 2.3 JVM Requirements for more on compiling EMF vs. running EMF.
- Planning to use the Sun 1.4 JVM? Read this.
Install Eclipse
- Next, download and install Eclipse.
- Note that some Eclipse bundles already include an EMF runtime, so the next step can be omitted if you only need a runtime. (If you want the full SDK, which includes sources and docs, you will still need to install EMF even if the runtime is already present.)
Install EMF
- Finally, install EMF.
Via Update
- If installing EMF via Update, see EMF Updates.
- If installing EMF as a prereq for another project, such as GMF, see Modeling Project Installation.
Via Zip
- If downloading EMF as a zip, see EMF Downloads.
- Once your zip is downloaded, just unpack it into your ~/eclipse/features/ and ~/eclipse/plugins/ folders and restart Eclipse.
- Advanced: use a .link file or .eclipseextension to install outside your main Eclipse install folder.
- You can also get EMF as part of a Europa bundle.