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Welcome to the EEF project's community wiki.

Eclipse EEF enables the creation of a Properties view with various widgets, containers and validation rules using declarative descriptions in a similar fashion as Eclipse Sirius. All characteristics and behaviors can be easily configured with a minimum technical knowledge. These descriptions are dynamically interpreted to materialize the Properties view within the Eclipse IDE. No code generation is involved. Once completed, the Properties view can be connected to an editor and deployed as a standard Eclipse plugin. Eclipse Sirius provides a bridge for Eclipse EEF to let Sirius specifiers create their Properties view directly within they odesign. Sirius specifiers can enjoy the same user experience creating Properties view as they can creating diagrams or trees. With this bridge, Sirius specifier can reuse their familiar interpreters (aql, service, feature, var, etc). The EEF bridge also provides instant feedback while creating the description of a Properties view. Thanks to this short feedback loop a Properties view can be created in a matter of minutes.

EEF and its Eclipse Sirius bridge was demoed at EclipseCon France 2016. You can see the slides of the presentation we made there here.

You can install EEF using any of the update-sites listed on the installation guide.


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