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EDT:0.8.1 Planning

Schedule for EDT 0.8.1

0.8.1 will be the next incubator release for EDT. The proposed release date is the end of July 2012. We will be developing in short milestones, to support our Agile development process.

  • Milestone 1
    • Devt (Apr 23 - May 4)
    • FVT (May 7 - May 11)
  • Milestone 2
    • Devt (May 14 - May 25)
    • FVT (May 28 - June 1)
    • Available (June 11)
  • Milestone 3
    • Devt (June 4 - June 15)
    • FVT (June 18 - June 22)
  • SVT (June 25 - July 13)
  • Release Candidate  (July 16)
  • Golden Master (July 20)
  • 0.8.1 Release (July 27)

Proposed Content for EDT 0.8.1

IDE Usability

  • EGLAR support
  • EGL Source Code Analysis


  • Improved extensibility in the EDT Deployment framework
  • Improved extensibility in the EDT Core (i.e. Generators, Runtime, MOF Definitions)


  • Implement a subset of the remaining EGL Language elements that were not supported in 0.8.0
  • Provide additional language constructs in EGL to support a larger number of application programming models

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