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EDT:0.8.0 Planning

Schedule for EDT 0.8.0

0.8.0 will be the next incubator release for EDT. In this release we plan to add new features, as well as solidify the functionality that was delivered in 0.7.0. The proposed release date is the end of April 2012. We want to develop in short milestones, to support our Agile development process.

>> Updated Feb 24 - Shortened SVT by 1 week, removed 2nd week of release candidate testing, to bring the GA date in by 2 weeks.

  • Milestone 1
    • Devt (Jan 3 - Jan 13)
    • FVT (Jan 16 - Jan 20)
  • Milestone 2
    • Devt (Jan 23 - Feb 10)
    • FVT (Feb 13 - Feb 17)
  • Milestone 3
    • Devt (Feb 20 - Mar 2)
    • FVT (Mar 5 - Mar 9)
  • SVT (Mar 12 - Mar 30)
  • Release Candidate  (Apr 2)
  • Golden Master (Apr 6)
  • 0.8.0 Release (Apr 13)

Proposed Content for EDT 0.8.0


  • Extensions for IBM i (366706)
  • Wizards to support easier integration with Java (i.e.366480) and JavaScript
  • JNDI (361030)


  • JavaScript runtime performance optimization (i.e. Number of include files, Minification, Obfuscation, etc)
  • JavaScript Generator optimization (i.e. Remove unnecessary code, etc)
  • Java Generator optimization (i.e. Cleanup warnings, etc)


  • Improved Extensibility in the EDT Core and EDT IDE (as determined by other line items being developed in this release)

Developer Productivity

  • EGL Service and Library wizards for database access (comparable to RBD Data Access App wizard)

Infrastructure and SDK Fundamentals

  • EGLDoc (Core) (i.e. Define EGLDoc syntax, Core utilities for accessing EGLDoc, Integration with Doc from existing frameworks)


  • Implement a subset of the remaining EGL Language elements that were not supported in 0.7.0

IDE Usability

  • Fit and Finish
  • Content Assist
  • Refactoring

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