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ECE2019 OpenSourceCompliance
This Open source compliance and governance meeting provides a forum to present and discuss requirements that all companies experience in leveraging the use of open source in their product, and in contributing to open source projects. We organize this session in collaboration with OW2 to look for synergies in this domain, as well as with members of the OpenChain Tooling Working Group.
Potential Eclipse technologies to be discussed are Eclipse SW360 Eclipse SW360 Antenna, Eclipse Vulnerability Assessment Tool, etc.
Organizer Name
- Dr. Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser, Bosch Software Innovation
- Cédric Thomas, OW2
- Gaël Blondelle, Eclipse Foundation
- ...
Feel free to add yourself if you'd like to contribute to the organization of this event.
Please feel free to add suggestions for topics to discuss, presentations, etc.
- SW360 (Demo)
- Security (Demo of SAP project?)
- Crossminer?
- Privacy metrics? (PDP4E)
Please add your name to indicate an interest in attending this event.
- Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser
- Cédric Thomas
- Gaël Blondelle
- Oliver Kopp