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Overall Goals and Themes
- See the E4/Resources/Meeting/19-Sep-2008 Kick-off#Interested Parties and Background for the various interested parties, their background and Requirements.
- Allow Eclipse projects to better model real-world setup of projects (Theme: Ease Of Use).
- Scalability - support very large workspaces well,
- Alias handling - Better support symbolic links and linked resources,
- Make it easier for end-users to get their stuff into Eclipse (Theme: Facilitated On-Boarding):
- Adapt Eclipse Project structure to any kind of legacy project or file system structures
- be competitive with (Visual Studio, Slickedit, Netbeans, IDEA) and other IDE's,
- integrate with (Maven, Proprietary project systems...) and other project systems where appropriate,
- Support pervasive distributed workspaces
- enable future environments (client/server, distributed, web, collaborative),
- provide simpler and safer programming models enabling more concurrency in the overall E4 world,
- building a solid base of Eclipse for the next 10 years.
- Support file-list based projects.
- Support natural organization of projects (physical nesting).
- Do not break basic assumptions that clients of Eclipse Resources have today. What are these assumptions?
- Support the current form of resources today, and more.
Open an existing Eclipse 3.x project
Workspace compatibility is a must.
Import an existing DevStudio project
- Just toss the wsp / wpj files into Eclipse and use CDT's parsers immediately. Provide the same views as Devstudio.
Debug an Exectuable without a Project
- Assume that the Exe has debug info embedded. start debugging it immediately without having to set up a project. Support static analysis / parsing and symbol navigation seamlessly.
Support mixed Java/C++ projects easily
- On-boarding an existing team must be as easy as double clicking a file.