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Meeting Title: | E4 Resources meeting |
Date & Time: | Friday Dec 12, 2008 at 1600 UTC / 11am EST / 8am PST iCal,ATOM News Feed,HTML |
Canada and US Toll Free: | (866) 740-7083 |
International Dial-in: | +1 (702) 696-4217 (more numbers here) |
Conference ID: | 613 277 0037 # |
- Call is Open, Anybody can join.
- Signed up:
- Wind River - Doug Schaefer, Martin Oberhuber
- Freescale - Serge Beauchamp
- IBM - John Arthorne, Chris Recoskie, Szymon Brandys
- Nokia - Ken Ryall
Feel free to edit, but not during the meeting
Review of Action Items
- Last Meeting: E4/Resources/Meeting/28-Nov-2008
- Serge committed bug 252996 resource filters, tagged as v20081208-2000 and v20081211-1515
- John commented on bug 245399 for separating resources workspace from Platform.instanceLocation
- Martin to co-ordinate EclipseCon talks - in contact with Kevin
- Martin create SearchCVS service for e4 resources
- Doug to work on getting people on IRC
- Chris to raise bug on EFS changes for external tools
- Next meeting in January, AI Martin have Google Calendar send the meeting invite
Status Update
- Doug: been consumed by a product release, will get more time for e4 in January latest
- Serge: still need to commit bug 229633 project path variable changes
- John: e4 UI stuff builds feature patches that can be dropped into an e3.5 SDK
- Eric Moffat's plan for getting a project navigator running in the e4 demos
- Resources stuff - try to be compatible with 3.5, keep up with the latest AI Doug document what's the target platform for dropping in e4 resources stuff
- Martin: git - no immediate need for e4, looking at it with lower priority now: tracking bug 249745
- EclipseCon -- both Serge's and Martin's talk accepted right now
- Been looking at p2 for more automated installing of development environment; might be able to use scripts to work against e3.5 HEAD without having to use CVS
- No news on SearchCVS and assigned bugs
- Chris: Logical vs physical file stores: Experimenting with new interfaces for remote / databases; two possibilities (adapter for EFS IFileStore, or new interfaces IFileStore2), will create a bug for discussion and feedback and send an E-Mail to the list. New interfaces might be preferable because then the API contract can clearly specify what's physical or logical -- using isPhysical() now
- Use case for isPhysical() returning false: if backed by a ZIP file or database i.e. not mapping 1:1 to a file on the file system -- important for interfacing with external tools, or ones that mimic an external tool such as a compiler: these only understand physical files. Also important for resolving relative pathes -
- Ken: finished with a product release, reallocating people, got some customer pressure to get something in the 3.5 time frame e.g. make it configurable where the .project file is located, might be using EFS for that, going to come back in January
- When importing project from Symbian, must set the source root to the highest level... problematic with multiple projects. Want .project in the workspace but source root inside the SDK. AI Ken put references to interesting bugs into the meeting notes
- Symbian foundation moved from git to Mercurial -- AI Ken have somebody comment on bug 249745 with their experiences
- CVS Repo done, tagging strategy? (Paul proposed "v40_20081208-2000" and similar; is the time UTC or server time?) - Paul should know, E4/Builds
- Team Project Sets: e4.resources.psf, e4.resources.tests.psf
- Martin proposes adding the org.eclipse.e4.resources.releng project, as well as the website project, to the team project set AI Martin do it
- Currently not in mapfile: core.filesystem.macosx.ppc, core.resources.hpux, core.resources.linux, core.resources.macosx, core.resources.qnx, core.resources.spysupport - AI John look at those, might be dead
Experimental API policy
- How do we want to treat and tag API that's new in e4 resources?
- Platform: Within a release cycle, one can add whatever one wants. It only counts what's there at the time of the release.
- We'll continue using the e4 repository as a playground with relaxed rules what can be added in terms of new API -- will review API as we go
- Chris dislikes experimental API in "internal" packages becasause it must be refactored. We'll put stuff directly where it belongs.
- Martin: @since tags only - hard to find everything that's new, since version numbers differ by plugin
- AI Martin send a proposal by E-Mail to the mailing list
Action Items
- Serge commit bug 229633 project path variable changes
- Doug document how users can get e4 resources (what's the required process and target platform)
- John look plugins in e4 repository which are not in the Mapfile and purge dead ones
- Ken put references to interesting bugs into the meeting notes
- Ken have somebody from Symbian Foundation comment on bug 249745 regarding their experiences with git and Mercurial
- Martin add mapfile and website projects to the e4.resources.psf team project set
- Martin send a proposal regarding experimental API tagging policy to the e4 mailing list
- Martin have Google Calendar send a meeting invite for the next meeting
Next Meeting
- Next E4/Resources/Meeting/9-Jan-2009 (4 weeks after)