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E4/CSS/Add Selector
This wiki is a "how-to" that will explain the steps needed to add a CSS Selector in E4.
- Create a class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.selectors, and name it "DynamicPseudoClassesSWTxxxxHandler" where "xxxx" is the name of the selector
- Make this new class extend "AbstractDynamicPseudoClassesControlHandler"
public class DynamicPseudoClassesSWTActiveHandler extends AbstractDynamicPseudoClassesControlHandler
- Within the class, create a IDynamicPseudoClassesHandler and set it equal to an instance of DynamicPseudoClassesSWTxxxxHandler
public static final IDynamicPseudoClassesHandler INSTANCE = new DynamicPseudoClassesSWTxxxxHandler();
- Add the following two methods:
protected void intialize(final Control control, final CSSEngine engine) {} protected void dispose(Control control, CSSEngine engine) {}
Note: method name is intilize is not initialize
- In the intialize method, add the code needed (most likely listeners to look for change of state). For an example, see org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.selectors.DynamicPseudoClassesSWTActiveHandler
- Make use of the setData() method on the widget (to get information about the widget in another class), as well as applying the styles to the engine. For example, in a listener's method, you can do the following:
try { control.setData("Some Qualified String", Boolean.TRUE); engine.applyStyles(control, false, true); } catch (Exception ex) { engine.handleExceptions(ex); }
- It is preferable to use a qualified string, and to keep it in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.CSSSWTConstants
- In the dispose method, get rid of all listeners that were created in the above intialize method
- In org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.SWTElement#isPseudoInstanceOf add the new selector with the use of an "if" statement
if ("xxxx".equals(s)) {}
- Within the if statement, return the appropriate boolean value based on the setData() you used in your listener, and add any other conditional statements that may be necessary
if ("xxxx".equals(s)) { Widget widget = getNativeWidget(); if (widget != null) { return widget.getData("Some Qualified String") == null; } }
- Now, we must go in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.engine.AbstractCSSSWTEngineImpl , and register the name of the selector and the instance of the above class just created:
super.registerDynamicPseudoClassHandler("xxxx", DynamicPseudoClassesSWTxxxxHandler.INSTANCE);