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Dawn Release Plan


This pages gives an overview about the Dawn releases and there main features in cronological order.

Coming Releases

Dawn 2.0

name description bugzilla
Implement locking mechanism for GMF based editors Dawn should provide locking mechanisms for GMF diagrams as shown here Bug 319486
Provide access control for GMF based editors Dawn should re-implemented the authentification/authorization for GMF based diagrams. User rights should be limited to read/write access for the diagram or users should be completely excluded from accessing certain diagram. Bug 319485
Develop Web Suite for web-based collaborative modeling Dawn should provide a web suite which integrates all extended frameworks and editor type (like, GMF, Graphiti, EMF...). This suite should provide the same functionality the Eclipse site of Dawn offers. This means, conflicting, locking, access control and so on. Bug 353381
Provide web-based access to GMF Diagrams Dawn should provide web-based access to GMF diagram as shown in the screencast (in the end). Proof of concept is provided here. This certainly also means to extend the generator to provide an easy generation for the web-based extension. Bug 319487
Decouple Dawn Runtime from integrated frameworks The Dawn runtime depends to strong on the integrated frameworks. In the case that one or more frameworks are broken, the whole runtime might be affected. That's why the runtime should be re-factored to provide a less dangerous coupling between runtime and adapted frameworks. Bug 332902

Dawn 1.1

name description bugzilla

Current Release

Dawn 1.0

name description bugzilla
Provide collaborative EMF editors on CDO As for GMF editors it should be possible to to out the generated EMF editor on Dawn with just some simple clicks. This editor should follow the same principles as it's GMF counterpart concerning handling, color pattern and conflict/locking behavior. 323828
Provide integration for Ecore Tools The Ecore Tools provide a nice set of tools to create ecore models. Currently they are focused on file system persistence. To allow provide a better integration with CDO tools should be CDOified using Dawn. Bug 333187
Provide extension for Ecore Editor The tree-based Ecore editor shipped with EMF should be able to work on a CDO repository Bug 333291
Separated Dawn Codegen from specific implementations It turned out the it was not the bad decision to couple the dawn generator to close to the extended editors/frameworks like GMF. If one of the projects leaves the release train then it might happen that Dawn breaks the whole build since it references projects that are not there anymore. So I need to separate the extended frameworks from the codegen core to have better control about what is on the train and what is not. Bug 344403

Older releases

Dawn 0.2

name description bugzilla
Develop collaborative support for GMF on CDO Dawn should be implemented to supports collaborative handling of GMF resources using a CDO repository. Bug 308232

Dawn 0.1

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