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Dali feature backlog
Feature enhancement backlog:
- Integrate better with Platform/JDT/WTP/DTP
- Support editing orm.xml
- Support persistence.xml
- Develop extension points
- Complete our annotation based support
- Support fully-qualified annotations
- Support Class-level SequenceGenerator and TableGenerator
- Add ManyToMany problems
- Enhance "New Entity Wizard"
- Add 'nullable' and 'length' to Column annotation ('precision'? 'scale'?)
- Finish Inheritance
- Finish SecondaryTable
- Finish JoinColumn
- Support fully-qualified table names
- Support public fields
- Support fully-qualified annotations
- Determine future of "DDL Generation" - DDL Gen support will be provided by the runtime. We will integrate with this functionality from the UI. - NJH
- Enhance "Entity Generation"
- Add tests
- Improve relationship management code (add/remove/set)
- Improve Wizard - add settings configuration
- Support IdClass
- Support AssociationOverrides
- Support Queries
- Support Callbacks
- Support Lob
- Support Enumerated
- Support MapKey
- Toggles
- Make a default specific or vice versa
- Move all annoations for an entity or entities to orm.xml or vice versa