Manual Testing for 3.4 M2 Release
Bug No. |
Description |
Test Steps |
Test Step Results
Entity Generation wizard flashes when you select a table from the checkbox list
Create a JPA project with Database connection
JPA project is created successfully
R-Click on the project and Select JPA Tools > Generate Entities from Tables...
Generate Custom Entites dialog appears
Select a few tables in the list
Verify that when you select each table that the page does not repaint but all tables are selected
Deselect a few tables in the list
Verify that when you deselect a table(s) that the page does not repaint
Add action on class to "Add to persistence.xml"
Create JPA project and at least 2 JPA Entities with at least two attributes
JPA Project and entities are added succussfully.
Open persistence.xml in editor
Verify added entities appear in the list of managed classes on the General tab
Remove one of the entities from the list and save the project
Verify error appears stating Class "xxx" is managed, but not listied
R-Click on the entity you removed in the project explorer
Verify Add to Persistence Unit appears within the JPA Tools menu when you R-Click on the entity
Click on JPA Tools > Add to Persistence Unit
Verify the entity appears in the persistence.xml in the list of managed classes on the General tab and the error message is gone.
Remove both entities from the persistence.xml managed classes and Save project
Verify entities are removed successfully and errors appear
R-Click on scr folder in the project explorer and select JPA Tools > Add to Persistence Unit
Verify errors are removed and entities appear in the managed classes list in persistence.xml General tab
Remove both entities from the persistence.xml managed classes and Save project
Verify entities are removed successfully and errors appear
R-Click on package folder in the project explorer and select JPA Tools > Add to Persistence Unit
Verify errors are removed and entities appear in the managed classes list in persistence.xml General tab
Remove both entities from the persistence.xml managed classes and Save project
Verify entities are removed successfully and errors appear
Select both entities from the project explorer, R-Click and select JPA Tools > Add to Persistence Unit
Verify errors are removed and entities appear in the managed classes list in persistence.xml General tab
NullPointerException: invoke JPQL code assist in JPA Details and switch editor w/o selecting any proposal
Create JPA project and a JPA Entity with at least two attributes
JPA Project and entity are added succussfully.
Add a JPA ORM Mapping file to the project
orm.xml mapping file is added successfully and opened in the editor
Select the open Entity in the editor, Select the entity in the JPA Structure pane, Go to the JPA Details pane and expand Queries and then click on Add button for Queries
Add Query dialog appears
Enter a Name 'test', Enter a type 'Named Query' and click on OK button
Verify @NamedQuery(name = "test", query = "") is added to in the editor
Place the cursor in the query field for the added query in the JPA Details pane and enter select and then hit Ctrl spacebar
Verify the code assist items appear
Click on the editor for orm.xml
Verify orm.xml is now the focus in the editor and no errors appear in the error log.
Make Persistent Wizard: Need to set column name each time editing an attribute
Create JPA project with db connection and a Class with a few attributes
JPA Project and class are created successfully
R-Click on the Class and Select JPA Tools > Make Persistent
Make Persistenct dialog appears
Click on the Next button twice
Attribute Mapping page appears
Select an attribute and click on the Edit button
Dialog appears for the mapping Annotation for edit
Click on the Browse button for Column Name
Select Column dialog appears with the available columns in db table
Select a differnt Column and click on OK button
Verify column name is updated
Click on the OK button
Verify column name field is updated and all other column values remain the same
Click on the Edit button again, update/change some values for other fields such as Nullable, Insertable, length, etc.. and click on OK button
Verify all the column values remain the same that were not changed/updated
Click on Edit button again, enter a Column Name directly into the Column Name field that does not exist in the db table, then click on the OK button
Verify this time that nothing appears in the Column Type field
Click on Edit button again, enter an existing Column Name and click on OK button
Verify the Column Type field is updated to the type from the DB
Click on Finish button for Make Persistent
Verify the class is not an Entity and appears in the persistent.xml
Make Persistent Wizard: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable number: ""
Create JPA project with DB connection and create a Class with at least two attributes
JPA Project and class are created successfully.
R-Click on the Class and select JPA Tools > Make Persistent
Make persistent dialog appears
Click on Next button twice
Attribute Mapping page appears showing db column information for the listed attributes
Select an attribute and click on the Edit (pencil) button
Verify Annotation dialog appears with the DB column information
Select a value for the Insertable field, Enter a value for the Precision field and then remove the value for the precision field so it is empty. Then click on the OK button.
You are returned to the Attribute Mapping page
Click on the Edit button again for that attribute
Verify the Insertable field still contains the value you selected and the Precision field is still empty and no errors appear in the error log.