Manual Testing for 3.3.1 Release
Bug No. |
Description |
Test Steps |
Test Step Results
Make Persistent Wizard: Length of Date type of Column sets to -1
Create JPA project and then create a Class (not JPA Entity at this time)
JPA project and class are created successfully.
Go to the editor for the class and add a date type attribute (private Date enddate), then R-Click on the class and select JPA Tools > Make Persistent
Make Persistent dialog appears with the class listed
Click on the Next button twice
Verify the Attribute mappings page appears and shows the Date type as the Attribute type.
Click on the Finish button
Verify the Class is not a JPA Entity and the Date type does not contain (length = -1) at the end of the @Column annotation.
Table gen does not work for Package Explorer
Launch eclipse, Select JPA perspective, Select Window > Show View > Package Explorer
Verify Package Explorer window appears in bottom right of JPA Perspective
R-Click in Package Explorer window and select New > JPA Project
New JPA Project dailog appears
Enter a name, select EclipseLink for the platform and a library and finish the JPA project
JPA project appears in Package Explorer
R-click on JPA project in package explorer and select JPA Tools > Generate Tables from Entities...
Verify Generate Tables from Entities dialog appears
Close Generate Tables from Entities dialog and Select JPA Tools > Generate Entities from Tables...
Verify Generate Entities from Tables dialog appears
Close Generate Entities from Tables dialog and R-Click on the JPA project in Package explorer and select Properties
Properties dialog appears
Change the platform to a Generic platform and click on OK button
JPA project is updated
R-Click on JPA project in package explorer and select JPA Tools > Generate Tables from Entities...
Verify Generate Tables from Entities dialog appears with the following message Generate Tables from Entities is not supported by the Generic Platform.
Click on OK button
Dialog closes
R-Click on JPA project in package explorer and select JPA Tools > Generate Entities from Tables...
Verify Generate Entities from Tables dialog appears
Close Generate Entities from Tables dialog
Verify dialog closes successfully
The state field path '' cannot be resolved to a valid type
Launch Eclilpse then Import the Dynamic Entity project attached to the bug into the workspace.
Verify when the project opens that it does not contain JPQL validation errors for the relationship mappings