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Dali 3.2 M4

Dali 3.2

Dali 3.2 M4 Release Manual Testing

Manual Testing for 3.2 M4 Release
Bug No. Description Test Steps Test Step Results
315455 Open the orm.xml JPA structure view with the entities expanded Create JPA project with orm.xml mapping file and JPA Entity with at least 3 fields (one of which is a Key) JPA Project and Entity are created successfully
... ... Double-Click on the orm.xml file orm.xml file opens in editor and in JPA Details pane with the Entity and fields expanded
... ... Click on Collapse All button in JPA Details pane Verify all contents are collapsed
... ... Close orm.xml file in editor, Create new Entity with 3 fields (one of which is a Key), Add it to the mapping file and Save project Entity is created successfully
... ... Double-Click on the orm.xml file Verify file opens in editor and in JPA Details pane with the Entity fields expanded
356226 [EclipseLink] 2.4 platform support including eclipselink-orm.xsd Select Window > Preferences Preferences dialog appears
... ... Go to Java > Build Path > User Libraries and Select New New User Library dialog appears
... ... Enter EclipseLink 2.4 for the name and click on OK EclipseLink 2.4 appears in Defined user libraries list
... ... Click on Add JARs... button, Select all the .jars for EL 2.4 and click on Open All selected files appear under the EclipseLink 2.4 user library
... ... Click OK to close preferences dialog, Select New > JPA project New JPA Project dialog appears
... ... Enter name, select 2.0 for JPA version and click on Next twice JPA Facet - Configure JPA setting page appears. Verify EclipseLink 2.4.x appears in Platform drop down
... ... Select EclipseLink 2.4.x and click on finish button JPA 2.0, EL 2.4 project is created successfully without error
... ... R-click on the project and select New > EclipseLink ORM Mapping File, leave defaults and click on Finish eclipselink-orm.xml file is created and appears in the editor. Verify the version appears as 2.4 on the design tab and on the Source Tab
364206 "REFRESH" ON "GENERATE ENTITIES" WIZARD RESULTS NPE WHEN DB IS NOT CONNECTED Create JPA project with db connection (but do not connect to the db at this time) JPA project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on the project and select JPA Tools > Generate Entities from Tables.. Generate Custom Entities dialog appears
... ... Click on Refresh button Verify no error appears when you click on the refresh button
364996 switching from Entity to MappedSuperclass java named queries are deleted Create JPA 2.0 project, Create JPA Entity (with at least 2 fields, 1 of which is id) Project and Entity are created successfully
... ... Add a Named Query (Ex. @NamedQuery(name = "NamedQuery", query = "Select e FROM Address e", hints = @QueryHint(name = "City", value = "Raleigh"), lockMode = OPTIMISTIC) and Save the Project Named Query is added successfully without error
... ... Add a Named Native Query (Ex. @NamedNativeQuery(name = "NamedNativeQuery", query = "Select c FROM Address c", resultClass = model.Address.class, hints = @QueryHint(name = "Address", value = "Test")) and Save the Project Named Native Query is added successfully without error
... ... Click on Entity link in JPA Details pane Mapped Type Selection dialog appears
... ... Select Mapped Superclass and click on OK Verify mapping is updated to Mapped Superclass and Named Query and Named Native Query both still appear
... ... Change something in the Named Query and the Named Native Query and then change the mapping back to Entity Verify the Named Query and Named Native Query updated still appear

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