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Dali 3.0 M2

Dali QA Testing

Dali 3.0 M2 Manual Testing

Manual Testing for 3.0 M2 Release
Bug No. Description Test Steps Test Step Results
132216 Validation - Add new entity class related problems Create JPA Project using defaults, create JPA Entity JPA Project and Entity are created
... ... Change public to private for the class in the .java editor for the Entity and Save Error appears stating - The java class for mapped type "name of entity" has a private no-arg constructor, it must be public or protected
... ... Change private back to public and Save Error is removed for java class
... ... Remove public class in the the .java editor for the Entity and Save Error appears stating - The java class for mapped type "name of entity" has no-arg constructor defined.
... ... Add public class back to entity and Save Error is removed for java class
... ... Change the .java class from an Entity to a Mapped superclass and repeat the above steps for the entity Verify the same error messages appear
... ... Change the .java class from a Mapped superclass to embeddable and repeat the above steps for the entity Verify the same error messages appear
... ... Change public class to public final class in the .java editor for the entity and save Error appears stating - The java class for mapped type "name of entity" is final
... ... Change the .java class from embeddable to mapped superclass. Verify the error still appears
... ... Change the .java class from mapped superclass to entity Verify the error still appears
... ... Add final to one of the field in your entity (ex. private final string Test_Id) and save Error appears stating - The java field for attribute "name of attribute" is final
... ... Remove final from the attribute field for the entity and save Error is removed
... ... Change the attribute in the entity from private to public (ex. public string test_id) and save Error appears stating - The java field for attribute "attribute name" is public
... ... Change the attribute back to private and save The error is removed
... ... Add @Entity public class Foo {} to the attribute after (ex. public class Address ) and save the project Verify the following error appears - The java class for mapped type "Foo" is a member class
... ... Change public class Foo {} to public static class Foo {}and Save Verify the error message still states - The java class for mapped type "Foo" is a member class
... ... Change the project from a Generic 2.0 platfor to an EclipseLink 2.1.x plafrom and Save Verify the error message is removed.
... ... Change public static class Foo {} to public class Foo {} and Save Verify the following error message appears - The java class for mapped type "Foo" is a non-static member class
148262 Validation - No column problems for inheritance primaryKeyJoinColumns Create JPA Project, Add two or three entities (Entity Ex. Employee, Address, Phone) Project and entites are created successfully
... ... Select Entity in JPA Tab, In JPA Details expand inheritance, Select joined for the strategy, check override default checkbox for Primary key join columns, select the default column and click on Edit button. Edit Primary Key Join Column dialog appears
... ... Change Name field to name that does not exist(Ex. test), Click on OK button, Save project Verify the following error message appears - Primary key join column "name" cannot be resolved on table "table"
... ... Add another Primary Key Join column, leave the Name field blank and click on OK, Save project Verify the following error message appears - Name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Edit the just added primary key join column, enter a valid Name field and make the Referenced column name field empty, Click on OK, Save project Verify the following error message appears - Referenced column name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Go to the .java editor for the entity and remove the referenced-column-name="Name" from the primary-key-join-column reference for the second entry, Save project. Verify the following error message appears - Referenced column name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Remove the extra Primary Key Join column. Add a new entity with the following - @Entity @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="EMP_ID", referencedColumnName="BLAH) public class Project extends Employee { private int proj_id; } Save the project Verify the following error message appears - Primary key join column referenced column name "ref name" cannot be resolved on table "table"
... ... Set the referencedColumnName to a valid entry. Add the Employee entity to the orm.xml file. Select the entity in the orm.xml JPA tab, Expand the inheritance field, Select joined for the strategy, check override default checkbox for Primary key join columns, select the default column and click on Edit button. Edit Primary Key Join Column dialog appears
... ... Change Name field to name that does not exist(Ex. test), Click on OK button, Save project Verify the following error message appears - Primary key join column "name" cannot be resolved on table "table"
... ... Add another Primary Key Join column, leave the Name field blank and click on OK, Save project Verify the following error message appears - Name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Edit the just added primary key join column, enter a valid Name field and make the Referenced column name field empty, Click on OK, Save project Verify the following error message appears - Referenced column name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Go to the orm.xml editor and remove the referenced-column-name="Name" from the primary-key-join-column reference for the second entry, Save project. Verify the following error message appears - Referenced column name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Uncheck the Override default for the Primary Key join columns for the entity in the orm.xml, then go back to the entity and make sure the override default is checked and edit the column so that the Name field contains an invalid "name" and the Referenced column is correct. Save the project Verify the following error message appears - In implied primary key join column, name "name" cannot be resolved on table "table"
... ... On the entity, add another primary key column and leave the name and referenced name fields blank, Save project Verify the following error messages appear - In implied primary key join column, name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns, In implied primary key join column, referenced column name must be specified when there are multiple primary key join columns
... ... Create a new JPA Project, Create a new jpa entity with the following @Entity public class Employee { @Id private int emp_id; @OneToOne @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="FOO",referencedColumnName="BAR") private Address address; } Save the project Verify the following error appears - Primary Key Join "FOO" cannot be resolved on Table "name"
... ... Create a new jpa entity with the following @Entity public class Address { @Id private int id; } Save the project Verify the following two error appear - Primary Key Join "FOO" cannot be resolved on Table "name" & Primary Key Join referenced column name "BAR" cannot be resolved on table "name"
190319 Validation - Needed on association override joinColumns and joinTable ... ...
190321 Validation - Needed for attributeOverride/associationOverride name ... ...
246035 J2EE 1.4 EAR project is generated by the JPA project wizard Select File > New > JPA Project New JPA Dialog appears with checkbox for Add project to an EAR unchecked
... ... Enter a name, Check the checkbox for Add project to an EAR Verify EAR project name drop down is enabled as well as the New Project button
... ... Click on the New Project button Verify EAR version is defaulted 6.0
... ... Click on the drop down for EAR version Verify the following versions appear - 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.0 & 6.0
312079 Entity mappings package chooser has title of 'Class Selection' Create JPA project using defaults and add JPA ORM mapping file Verify project is created and orm.xml file is added and appearing in editor
... ... Click on Browse button in JPA Details tab for Entity Mappings > Package Verify the title has - Package Selection - Verify the message states - Enter package name prefix or pattern (* = any string, ? = any character)
315813 JAXB Class Generation wizard: Need JAXB Classes from Schema under New dialog Select File > New > Other > JAXB Verify two items appear - JAXB Classes from Schema and Schema from JAXB Classes
... ... Select JAXB Classes from Schema and click on Next button Java Project Selection page appears
... ... Select a project and click on Next button Select Schema page appears with Select file from Workspace radio button selected and correct Workspace Files appearing in list, Next button is not enabled until file is selected
... ... Click on Select XML Catalog entry radio button Verify all XML Catalog files appear in list, Next button is not enabled until file is selected
... ... Click on the Select file from Workspace radio button and Click on Import Files button. mport Dialog appears for File system
... ... Browse to folder where .xsd files exist and click on OK button Files within that folder appear in the list to the right - Message appears in dialog stating - There are no resources currently selected for import.
... ... Check a .xsd file checkbox, Select an Into folder and click on the Finish button Verify file(s) is imported and you return to the Select Schema page and the selected file(s) appears in the Workspace files list.
... ... Select the imported file from the Workspace Files list and click on the Next button. Generate Classes from Schema: page appears.
321636 JAXB class generation support for external schema files and URL support ... ...
320335 JPT Core model Tests are failing in WTP build ... ...
322544 java type refactoring - refactor EclipseLink converters ... ...
322565 JAXB schema from classes, can't select a different project Create two or three JPA Project(s) using the defaults, Add classes to the project(s). Project(s) is created successfully
... ... Highlight the created project, Using toolbar, select New > Other > JAXB > Schema from JAXB Classes, Click on the Next button. Verify JAXB Schema Generation wizard dialog appears with Java Project Selection page appearing. Verify the available projects (from the workspace) appear in the drop down for Project
... ... Select a project from the drop down and click on the Next button. Verify Generate Schema from Classes page appears
322576 NPEs logged in core context model tests, happens when deleting the project Create a JPA project with all defaults Project is created
... ... R-Click on the project and select Delete Dialog appears for delete confirmation
... ... Check the Delete projects on disk checkbox and click on the OK button Verify project is deleted without error and it is removed from the workbench directory
... ... Create another project with the defaults, open the persistence.xml editor and make a change but do not save the changes. Verify project is created and the persistence.xml contains an update but not saved.
... ... Select Edit>Delete, Leave the checkbox unchecked and click on OK button. Verify dialog appears stating error because persistence.xml has unsaved changes and you can only cancel or back to previous dialog.
... ... Click on Cancel button. Verify dialog closes and project is not deleted.
... ... Save the project, then select Edit>Delete, Leave the checkbox unchecked and click on OK button Verify project is deleted from eclipse without error, however verify it still appears in the workspace.
322598 New JPA Project wizard fails to load when no faceted projects exist in workspace Remove all projects from the workspace, then select New > JPA Project wizard Verify the Wizard starts correctly.
... ... Accept all the default and create the JPA project with a Facet (EL 2.1.0) Project is created successfully and appears in workspace
... ... Remove the project from the workspace, Select New > Other > JPA > JPA Project and click on the Next button JPA Project wizard continues without error.
323627 Strange behavior of Connect link on JpaFacetInstallPage Load Dali on Linux environment, Launch Eclipse, Select File > New > JPA Project JPA Project configure settings page appears
... ... Select a DB connection from the drop down and then click on Connect link. Verify certain UI controls may become enabled (such as default catalog/schema

selection), "Connect" becomes disabled (because you are already connected), "Connect" will remain disabled while you are connected. Verify connect shows connected when disabled.

323872 EclipseLink 1.1.3 & 1.2.0 download library links are broken Select File > New > Other > JPA > JPA Project and click on the Next button JPA Project configure settings page appears
... ... Enter a project name, select JPA Version 1.0 and click on Next button, click on Next button again JPA Facet page appears
... ... Click on the Download Library button Download Library dialog appears with the following: EL 1.1.3 - Galileo, EL 1.2.0, EL 2.0.3, EL 2.1.0 - Helios
... ... Click on the EclipseLink 1.1.3 - Galileo and click on the Next button Library License page appears
... ... Check the I accept the terms of this license checkbox Finish button is enabled
... ... Click on the Finish button Verify it connects and downloads the library
... ... Repeat for EclipseLink 1.2.0, EclipseLink 2.0.2, EclipseLink 2.1.0 - Helios Verify all libraries connect and are downloaded successfully
... ... During one of the downloads click on the Cancel operation button Verify the download is cancelled without error and you return to the JPA Facet page
324766 NPE in JPA refactoring participant on moving of IType from one package to another ... ...

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