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DTP PMC Meeting Minutes: October 6, 2009

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  • Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick (Red Hat)
  • Linda Chan (Actuate)
  • Brian Payton (IBM)


  • The PMC worked on the DTP Helios (1.8) project plan. The project plan is stored in CVS in the /Datatools/project-info folder of the /cvsroot/org.eclipse/web path.
  • Brian P. created a first draft of the new project plan and checked it in yesterday
  • Themes: "Continue improving quality" (ie, bug fixes), plus a theme for Linda's ODA API work. (After the meeting, Fitz added a theme "Improved RCP Integration".)
  • We discussed what release-to-release compatibility means, plus compatibility with the platform version. Our goal is for 1.8 to be binary compatible for DTP applications built using DTP 1.7
  • We will continue editing the project plan and discuss via email until we agree that it is what we want, then modify the project meta-data to point to the new file

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