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Berlin (Germany - Berlin) Tuesday Feb 26 2008 6:00:00 PM UTC+1 hours CEST
Helsinki (Finland) Tuesday Feb 26 2008 7:00:00 PM UTC+2 hours EEST
London (U.K.) Tuesday Feb 26 2008 5:00:00 PM UTC+0 hour BST
San Francisco (U.S.A. - California) Tuesday Feb 26 2008 9:00:00 AM UTC-8 hours PST
Sao Paulo (Brazil - São Paulo) Tuesday Feb 26 2008 2:00:00 PM UTC-3 hours
Stockholm (Sweden) Tuesday Feb 26 2008 6:00:00 PM UTC+1 hours CEST

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Invited Attendees

  • Christian Kurzke (CK) (Motorola)
  • Fabio Fantato (FF) (Eldorado)
  • Mauren Brenner (MB) (Eldorado)
  • Daniel Franco (DF) (Eldorado)


  • FF should have permissions to configure bugzilla entries for TmL
  • It is necessary to open a bug against Eclipse Site requesting PMC to give FF permission to access Eclipse download server (build server)
  • New bugzilla component list
  • Suggest new bugzilla entries and set priorities
  • Roadmap


  • The bugzilla component list should be replaced by: core,emulator,doc,api,devicefwk and vncviewer
  • The initial bugs should be closed and CVS repository added into their bugs comments
  • The new bugs was discussed and it should be include into bugzilla
  • Some changes in roadmap were discussed but this topic will be postponned to after EclipseCon2008.

Initial Bugs

  • Bug#206666 Initial implementation of the Device Emulator Framework
    • enh/P3/All/
    • Actions:
      • assign to a committer
      • resolved fixed adding comment to link CVS repository
      • closed adding comment deprecating bug and replace it by 206669
  • Bug#206668 Initial implementation of a Device Emulator Framework on top of TM/RSE
    • enh/P3/All/
    • Actions:
      • assign to a committer
      • resolved fixed adding comment to link CVS repository
      • closed adding comment deprecating bug and replace it by 206669
  • Bug#206669 Initial implementation of a generic Device Framework to support

emulators and devices

    • enh/P3/All/
    • Actions:
      • change component to devicefwk
      • assign to a committer
      • resolved fixed adding comment to link CVS repository
      • closed
  • Bug#206670 Initial implementation of an Eclipse-embeddable VNC viewer
    • enh/P3/All/
    • Actions:
      • change component to vncviewer
      • assign to a committer
      • resolved fixed adding comment to link CVS repository for three versions.
      • closed

New Bugzilla entries

  • Bug#221731 Fix Inheritance of SWTRemoteDisplay
    • minor/P4/All/vncviewer
    • Currently the painter is part of the protocol implementation class but it should be associated to the Protocol (Abstract Class). The change is put IPainter as an attribute on the Protocol class, so other protocols implementing the abstract class instantiate their own painters
  • Bug#221733 Refine core functionalities of Device Framework
    • ehn/P3/All/device
    • The initial implementation of the generic Device framework must be improved. Small pieces of the framework was implemented using stubs, incomplete or hardcode content. The packages should be revisited and their code, comments and documentation might be updated. (See bug#206669 for more details about initial contribution).
  • Bug#221736 Support New device instance wizard
    • ehn/P2/All/devicefwk
    • Create a wizard mechanism extending the Eclipse New Wizard feature to provide creation of device instances and set of default properties. This wizard should be easily extensible and the developer can be able to customize these wizard pages.
  • Bug#221737 Sample implementation for ST demo board
    • ehn/P2/All/devicefwk
    • Create a device plugin using Device Framework to exemplify the usage of device and service extension point. The device plugin should represents a ST demo board. Initially it is possible illustrate a service just linking ST factory plugins and TmL services.
  • Bug#221739 Improvements to State machine implementation
    • ehn/P3/All/devicefwk
    • The initial implementation of the Device framework has started supporting a state machine mechanism. It should be refactored and it might be disassociate from device extension point. The state machine is a powerful mechanism to provide creation of complex and structured devices.
  • Bug#221740 Sample implementation for Linux host
    • ehn/P5/All/devicefwk
    • Create a device plugin using Device Framework to exemplify the usage of device and service extension point using Linux as host OS
  • Bug#221741 Support to VNC Protocol Extension
    • ehn/P4/All/vncviewer
    • Creating a mechanism to support extension in VNC Protocol and it should provide better flexibility to use generic commands associating different code to address new task.
  • Bug#221742 Add additional stuff to the VNC Protocol
    • ehn/P5/All/vncviewer
    • Some features of the VNC protocol was not implemented in the initial contribution. The pieces not covered yet should be mapped and implemented.

Next Steps and Action Items

  • CK have to reset his password and he should logs into the portal and grant permission
  • FF have to open a bug against Eclipse site requesting permission to access download server
  • FF should make the trasntions and close bugs: #206666,#206668,#206669,#206670.
  • FF should open new bugs.

Next Meeting

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