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- Christian Kurzke (Motorola)
- Eric Cloninger (Motorola)
- Fabio Fantato (Eldorado)
- Daniel Franco (Eldorado)
- Otavio Ferranti(Eldorado)
- Jefferson Silva (Eldorado)
- Eugene Melekhov (Montavista)
- Mark Burton (Greensocs)
- Status
- Contributions
- Roadmap
- Discuss possible end-to-end setup of TML and LiMo
- Status
- Daniel Franco and Eric Cloninger were approved by PMC. Christian will fill the CVS form to create account for them.
- We are still working to analyse Eugene´s contribution.
- We are also working improving the persistency model to Instance registry and to provide an Device Proxy proof of concept.
- Contribution
- Christian ask to Eugene some details about his DES implementation to understand better this code before proceed with PMC voting for this contribution.
- Mark give us an overview about VPP project and we discuss about the possibilities to integrate TmL and VPP in their common objectives.
- It was not possible discuss the Roadmap and Limo slides.
- We decide discuss roadmap using the mailing list
- Christian will review the LiMo slides and sent us to put in wiki after that.
- Christian will check Eugene´s contribution and sent to PMC approval.
- Fabio sent roadmap to mailing list and put a copy into wiki [1]
- Christian will refine LiMo slides and put in wiki
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be in May 13, 2008.