Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
Invited Attendees
- Christian Kurzke (Motorola)
- Mauren Brenner (Motorola)
- Fabio Fantato (Motorola)
- Daniel Franco (Motorola)
- Project status
- Status of preparation of material for EclipseCon 2008
- Committers' meeting
- Bugzilla entries
- Round table
- Investigate whether there are any indentation standards that the Eclipse Foundation adopts.
- The "TmL Committer How To" page should contain a paragraph saying that contributors should adopt either the Eclipse standard, or the JDT default.
- The committers' meeting shall take place at the end of the open meeting until EclipseCon 2008; afterwards different dates and times are going to be set up for those meetings.
- The rest of the meeting was used for the committers' meeting.
Next Steps and Action Items
- Check the indentation standards issue and update the page.
- Committers continue working on the talk slides for EclipseCon; slides should not contain emails to avoid spam.
Next Meeting
Please note: the next meeting is going to be in three (rather than two) weeks' time, on 12 February 2008, same time. It will be a combined open meeting and committers' meeting.