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Invited Attendees
- Christian Kurzke (TmL project lead, Motorola)
- Mauren Brenner (TmL project co-lead, Eldorado/Motorola)
- Mark (Symbian)
- Introduction
- Round Table
Detailed Summary
- Clarify relationship between TmL and TM projects.
- possibly cooperate on VNC viewer/agent; how to extend VNC to support multiple screens, how to handle multiple inputs apart from keystrokes and mouse events (e.g. a continuous stream of mouse events)?
- need more discussion with TM on how we can use their framework
- currently TM is rather monolithic, not very suitable to extract components and use for TML.
- we need to participate in TM calls to find more out about their roadmap and possibly suggest improvements; they are currently focusing on bug fixes and delivery, but later we should join their open meetings
Current Work
Mauren, Fabio and team working on an Emulator Framework prototype, including a VNC viewer integrated to the Eclipse workbench.
Send out reminder to review use-cases and solicit feedback.
Next Steps and Action Items
- Create SVN repository
- Motorola to start process to contribute initial code
Next Meetings
Move meeting time to one hour earlier (7-8AM Pacific) to avoid conflict with TM call.