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- Eric Cloninger (Motorola)
- Fabio Fantato (Eldorado)
- Daniel Franco (Eldorado)
- Otavio Ferranti(Eldorado)
- Status
- Contributions
- Roadmap
- Status
- The team is focused in improve and fix the bugs 221733 and make an Device Proxy proof of concept(Topic showed in the EclipseCon2008)
- The team started some discussion about the architecture and we are providing a starter documentation to discuss the current architecture versus the new proposal. We are working in this initial whitepaper to share it in the mailing lista and integrate everyone in this discussion.
- Eric was approved as new TmL team leader and Christian will lead only MTJ project, but he still working in the TmL architecture. Eric has been problem with his eclipse account but we are working on that to verify it.
- Contribution
- Eugenes contribution is almost prepared to be uploaded. We need an PMC approval before that. But Chrsitian is absent this week and we need him to proced with this step.
- Fabio Rigo contribution is ok and according to PMC we are allowed to upload this code.
- Roadmap
- We need schedule a new meeting with Christian to close this roadmap as soon as possible,
- Eric told us about JavaOne events.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be in May 27, 2008.