Found some compile problems when building against org.eclipse.ui
Reviewed the XML project plan contents for Sequoyah (which isn't rendering on web site yet)
Reviewed CQs for Sequoyah
Reviewed plan for web and wiki conversion. Web is converted on Daniel Pastore's machine, but having some difficulty with the web server on permissions.
Christian raises some concerns about whether the Pulsar components in MTJ should be moved prior to Helios or afterwards. Because the Pulsar EPP package is based on this work, and the SDK discovery is presently not building, we need to find out (from Ronnie@Nokia) if there will be work done on this prior to Helios train. Christian to initiate a conversation with Ronnie this week.
Roadmap planning
[ERIC] Find a conference room where members can brainstorm. Perhaps talk to Ian about tying it to the Pulsar breakfast.