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- Daniel Franco (Eldorado)
- Eric Cloninger (Motorola)
- Mauren Brenner (Eldorado)
- Yufen Kuo (Montavista)
- Paul Beusterien (Symbian Foundation)
- Christian Kurzke (Motorola)
- Formal release review approved on 6/10 - Some bugs still being reported against the Galileo release, mostly around technical details of the plugin manifest. Resolving these in the next few days is a priority. - No other project work planned for Galileo. Eric will submit a few items for the Eclipse Foundation marketing team.
- 2009-2010 Roadmap
- Eric, Daniel and Mauren will have a L10n call later this week
- Rescoping efforts
- Discussed the proposed new project scope and charter. Paul has interest in this project and plans to start attending calls and possibly have contributions. - TODO: Eric send a link to the rescoping doc on the TML mailing list - With this proposal, MTJ will have a dependency on TFM for the signing framework
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on June 29, 2009 Christian Kurzke will run the call as Eric is on vacation