All items are resolved and release is ready to be called final. No bugs that will be done in this release now. New and Noteworthy is completed. Release Review and mini deck are completed and awaiting comments from EMO.
Will test builds using Software Update this week.
There was a bug preventing us from writing to the build server that was filed several weeks ago. Mauren will follow up to ensure it is fixed and if not, Eric will contact EMO to get it fixed. Eric needs to find if a reply was sent. #277529
Note from Martin Oberhuber about needing to build with updated Orbit package. Orbit is used to access Apache Commons for the /proc tools component. Daniel to work on this item and test before Friday.
Need to submit the IP Logs today. These should've been submitted in January and both Eric and Fantato remember doing this, but they don't appear at the Eclipse Foundation.
Proposal has been reviewed and received mostly positive comments.
TODO: Eric needs to integrate these comments into a slide deck for the EF to review.
TODO: Project name (Mauren to put on her creative cap)
2009-2010 Roadmap
Items being considered
Deliver 0.4 release supporting MOTODEV Studio and other products as well as bugs found from community.
Participate in the rescoping efforts around "TFM".
Localization tools for Android. What types of l10n tools exist today commercially and what Eclipse projects can we leverage? TODO: Eric write up reqt's for L10n project and deliver for June 1 meeting.
Look at gaps in the web site, wiki, and tutorials so that new visitors can understand what TML provides and what items are being worked on.
For June 15 meeting, any ideas for 2010 roadmap need to be presented to be considered.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on June 15, 2009.
Christian will lead the call on June 29 in Eric's absence.