Code will be a parallel branch to Galileo TML 0.3M4. Bugs fixed before M4 will go into 0.2. Bugs fixed after M4 will be fixed in 0.2 and Galileo TML 0.3M5.
Motorola will have a release based on 0.2. Initial indication from Montavista is they need this release as well.
Yufen's contributions have been approved by EMO last week, so it can be checked into both 0.2 and 0.3 code lines.
Martin Oberhuber went through the TmL 0.1 demo as part of the Eclipse Summit Europe demo he was preparing. He found some problems with the demo and sent a list of problems he found. Some of these problems are already reported bugs and are being addressed in 0.2. At least one bug is new and Fabio is creating a Bugzilla record for it.
TODO: Eric announce TML 0.2 to emo in order to schedule a release review for early January 2009.
Galileo Activities
Reviewed Galileo activities for M4. Nothing major outstanding, so we can announce our intent to join the Galileo train.
The build server in Eldorado is now operational now and scripts are working. This is one of the team's machines at present, but we may need to get another server in the future. Fabio to check with his superiors.
By the end of this week, should be contributing nightly builds to servers
TODO: Eric and Fabio to work on New & Noteworthy for M4.
TODO: Announce our intent for Galileo
TODO: Fabio update the Galileo Planning table for builds and signing
This week is final week for submissions to EclipseCon. TML is in good shape here, so no action necessary.
TODO: Look at doing a presentation for EclipseLive
Holiday Plans
This Thursday and Friday are the US Thanksgiving holiday at Motorola. Eric is not traveling and will be checking email on his phone.
Eldorado is on Christmas break from 22 Dec 2008 and will return on 5 January 2009.
Eric will be available through 24 December. He will return on 5 January 2009.
We have technical writers working for 0.2 and 0.3.
Fabio has made notes on the changes to the 0.1 demo that Martin suggested.
TODO: Fabio to send Eric list of documentation activities