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World Clock
Dial-in Info
- US: 800-741-0846
- International: 706-679-9532
- Passcode: 7817182169#
Invited Attendees
- Eric Cloninger
- Doug Gaff
- Christian Kurzke
- Shigeki Moride
- Martin Oberhuber
- Pawel Piech
- Dave Russo
- Wayne Parrot (guest)
New Business
- Introducing Wayne and Firefly Project
- Pawel on the PMC
- DD has moved. What does Pawel want to do?
- EclipseCon 09
- M&E Talks
- Podcast - Eric
- 418, 481 - authors and descriptions are correct now (thanks Scott R and Eric)
- AI: Martin and Eric will meet to discuss logical coupling between TCF+TmL tutorial.
- Galileo Train Release
- Galileo Requirement Status
- Download link
- DD: what to do with requirements?
- MTJ: core requirements are missing
- TmL: missing on download page (discussed offline with Eric).
- DSDP Branding (should do for Galileo)
- One icon to rule them all!!!
- Doug: Work on a single DSDP icon for Galileo branding.
- Firefly proposal
- Doug and Wayne will meet in a couple of days to discuss creation review.
- DSDP Packaging - Discuss status and next steps
- ESE work didn't turn out as Martin expected.
- Work is not progressing as quickly as Martin would like, and he has a bandwidth problem.
- Wascana is providing some of what we need.
- Question: does anyone else want to help out? What are we going to do for EclipseCon.
- DSP BIOS will be opened source.
- Bob Frankel is leaving TI, and will be working more on the RTSC project. Bob wants to pull together an embedded environment.
- Eric is also supportive of this, but not sure about staffing.
- Christian: the Mobile Working Group is interested in MTJ+Eclipse as a Mobile package, so maybe there are two initiatives.
- AI: Martin, Bob, Eric, Wayne - call to discuss packaging project.
- Next Meeting: TBD.
Project Status
- Firefly
- Incubator
- Doug will get to it eventually.
- Open IP issue on train, other things are on track.
- Need to put the documentation on line (DSDP info center). Diego could use some help.
- Martin and Diego to work on getting MTJ docs in the info center this week.
- No new updates yet, other than the packaging stuff discussed above.
- Where should the repository live? IP issues?
- Martin will cover Shigeki's talk at EclipseCon.
- JWG - Japanese translations continue.
- Doug: Follow up with Denis on installing Japanese language pack on Bugzilla 3.2 test install.
- One of our committers (Bob Frankel) is leaving TI but remains on the RTSC project
- First CQ ( awaiting PMC approval
- working on 4 hour tutorial (tentative HW: $20 USB development board for MSP430 with UART and wireless)
- got TI management approval to Open Source DSP/BIOS 6.x (built top-to-bottom with RTSC)
- Doug: Follow up with Don and Bjorn on giving away a small reference board as part of the tutorial.
- TM
- TmL
- TmL 0.2 approved on Tuesday, now working to finalize and promote. should announce today or tomorrow.
- Interest from Sony Ericsson on working with TmL and other projects on the IDE for Linux project
- Submitted an abstract on TmL + DSDP Packaging project to OpenSource World (the former LinuxWorld)
- Couple minor glitches getting on the Milestone train for Galileo.
- Fruitful discussion with Scott Lewis on cooperating with ECF.
Old Business
- DSDP Incubator project (no progress or update today)
- Unanimous approval to create the incubator. (TO DO) Doug: create the DSDP incubator and build the initial website.
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