Mark Rogalski - this is Mark's last call on the DSDP PMC. Good luck in the RT project!
Dave Russo
New Business
CQ voting, Committer voting - Doug is fine with unanimous or a 1-week timeout with no vetos and two non-project +2's. Martin is not happy with waiting that long.
Christian: committer voting for 1week is ok. CQ process is more problematic. Needs to be faster and not unanimous
Dave: watches the discussion and often follows Martin's lead. 1 week timeout ok.
Pawel: shortening the voting time.
Eric: simple majority and 2-week timeout.
Committer Vote: DSDP PMC approval of committers will function similarly to project committer votes. When a project's committer vote starts, the project lead will notify the PMC of the nominated committer and the PMC vote will also commence so that the vote happens in parallel. The vote will be held open for one week. There must be 3 +1 votes from the PMC, and no negative votes. All PMC members are encouraged to vote, and a 0 vote is acceptable if you have no time to examine the contribution record of the nominated committer.
CQ Vote: DSDP PMC approval of CQ's (contribution questionnaires) requires a +1 vote of 2 PMC members (not including the PMC lead of the project receiving the contribution) and no -1 votes. The vote concludes when 2 +1 votes are received. PMC members are allowed to veto the CQ (within a reasonable time period) after the CQ is approved, since there is typically a delay between PMC approval and CQ approval from the Eclipse IP team. All PMC members are encouraged to vote, and a 0 vote is acceptable if you have no time to examine the CQ.
AC: needs a second mentor - New project leads need to advertise themselves to the AC and request a mentor. File a bug against the architecture council component. Doug: Talk to Wayne P about the mechanics of recruiting a second mentor for Firefly.
Eric will be engaging for Mot because of the closeness of their project.
2 weeks. Any last-minute stuff to discuss? Updated post-minute: Christian is working on someone going for him.
EclipseCon 09
Current submission schedule
October 6 - Open Submissions
November 24 - Submissions Close (< 3 weeks!)
December 16 - Initial program completion
January 2: Schedule complete
Allocations: 10 short, 2 long, 1 main stage, 1 4-hr tutorial - 1 less long talk than last year, 1 less 2-hr tutorial slot
We asked the PC about covering multiple topics in a single tutorial slot. PC felt this was ok, but they won't be dividing tutorials up into 2 hr slots this year.
TCF (2 hours) - Martin: Submit an EclipseCon tutorial for TCF
RTSC (2 hours) - Dave: Submit an EclipseCon tutorial for RTSC
TmL - Already submitted 2 hours
TM (2 hours) - did this last year
DSF (do in CDT?) - Pawel may have a personal conflict
Long Talks (2)
MTJ - the new EclispeME - Christian - Christian: Submit an EcipseCon long talk for MTJ
TmL - already submitted a talk
RTSC - covered last year, though
Main Stage (1)
Android talk: Doug and Eric are trying to make contact with Google team.
Mart: Eclipse strategy talks
Panel (0)
If we think we can come up with a compelling panel, we might be able to get an addition slot.
Mobile Working Group? (Eric to work on.) This would probably fit better into the Industry category.
Eric: submit an EclipseCon panel for the Mobile Working Group
Short Talks (10)
All project leads: Submit an EclipseCon short talk for your project
Martin: Submit an EclipseCon short talk for packaging
Doug: Talk to Wayne P about a Firefly short talk
1 Galileo: TM
2 Galileo: DD (will DD be part of CDT at this point?)
4 TmL
eRCP (put here or in runtime?)
7 Firefly
8 Packaging - Martin, Pawel
Japanese translation project (probably goes in another category)
Galileo Train
Only DD and TM have announced.
TmL (Eric), MTJ (Diego)
Eric: Sign up TmL for the Galileo train.Christian/Diego: Sign up MTJ for the Galileo train.
NAB - Doug to follow up with Shigeki. Shigeki: Is NAB on the Galileo train? Please sign up.
Following up on Dave's action: whether they can release an open source BIOS to the packaging project. Dave's feedback: slow progress, but no commitments yet.
Martin says first version is just going to be Linux.
eRCP move - DONE
Next Meeting: TBD.
Project Status
DD (last mtg)
Still working on stabilizing 1.1 for November.
CDT project is interested in taking DSF and memory rendering.
eRCP (last mtg)
Main effort is standardization effort. Things are progressing. Eng goal: spec released at same time as 1.3 release.
P3ML interested companies: BandXI, MicroDoc, IST-EU. Who should follow up? (DONE) Doug: get contact info for P3ML interested companies to Mark.
Gorkem requested move review, but no feedback yet.
MTJ (last mtg)
Release review material done for next week.
Working on larger project plans with Sybase - preprocessing and roadmap.
Working on a press release for MTJ 0.9 release with Nokia and Motorola. (DONE) Christian: Talk to Ian and Craig about getting a quotation from Craig for the MTJ 0.9 press release.
China has more than 50% of the downloads. 4500 downloads. Martin has seen something similar.
(DONE) Christian: Write up an explanation of the EclipseME transition to MTJ and post on the Web. Explain the version numbering of Eclipse and make a statement about technical maturity of MTJ.
NAB (last mtg)
Discussion started inside Fujitsu on NAB platform enhancements and opening up.
Bugzilla 3.2 Japanese Template - should be coming soon.
Japanese work group - will finish Ganymede translation in March. Making a translation platform that will be open source. Babel project knows that they are doing this work. Babel is focused on menu and message. Their translation platform focused on help and other documents.
ese2008: obtained clearance for travel to ese2008 to present RTSC talk
Subversive environment: Windows not working well yet. Linux seems to be working, this may be sufficient for now.
Transition to bugzilla: got our first bug. Still need to migrate the 100's of existing bugs from ClearQuest to Bugzilla.
Transition to newsgroups: posted instructions on all internal lists to use the newsgroup, traffic on internal lists persists, next step is to post scheduled termination of mail lists.
IPZilla - still working on submission, will ask for parallel IP.
3.1 isn't too exciting. Mostly bugfix work, IBM backporting many 3.1 M3 fixes to 3.0.2 (due late december).
Google Summer-of-code CQ approved, will integrate the "Team Synchronization" addition for M4
TCF adoption increasing (Anyware-tech, Montavista, Freescale), getting community patches.
EFS removed from project plan, which means it's not considered a priority any more. e4 resources promises to fix this.
Releng - Nick Boldt / Common Builder (CBI) work ongoing under Dash, TM wants to be an early adopter (some time in december).
Released first version of TmL 0.1 on October 10.
Plan on releasing TML 0.1.1 this month with some bug fixes needed by MOTODEV Studio.
Have submitted a long talk, short talk, and a tutorial session for EC2009.
Still no decision on making the change from CVS to SVN.
Otavio has investigated TCF as a protocol for transmitting data from /proc filesystem. The results are good, but there is some question about how TCF is built into TM. Otavio had to bring in all of TM to get TCF and he wonders if there is a way to get a smaller part of TM instead.
Old Business
Project Plans
Open issue raised by Martin O: I recently learned that counter the practice that we have used up to now for defining Themes for our XML project plans, it looks like the Board's original intent was to have the project plan themse aligned "as good as possible" with the Requirements Council Themes & Priorities from RC Themes
Do we want to massage our T&P's to match these?
Martin: emailed Don and Bjorn about whether they want to enforce this.
Doug: the T&P for embedded and mobile haven't changed much from previous years. It's not very compelling for us to align to this. I also thought the T&P were going to be auto-generated from the XML plans.
(TO DO) Doug: Review DSDP project T&P and provide Don with some high-level ones.
(info from last mtg) Project Plan XML format changed (for namespaces). See Development Resources/Project Plan for details. Now also includes infos on tooling (WTP's XML editor), converting from non-namespace variant, and getting started with the XML.